IGNITE YOUR PASSION WELLNESS Jeremiah Watkins OSU-Tulsa Wellness Jesse Chaffin OSU-CHS Wellness
Itinerary Worksite Wellness The Dimensions of Wellness Wellness Activities for Your Departments Wellness Wheel Activity
Worksite Wellness Defining Worksite Wellness Worksites have the opportunity to encourage healthy habits and help prevent health problems such as diabetes, depression, and heart disease. Well-designed worksites keep employees safe and encourage physical activity during the workday. Aids employees in taking responsibility for lifestyle choices Improves employee’s productivity Decrease/improves upon health care costs Improves employees health through preventative measures, instead of measures of treatment
Get Your Department Involved All departments are encouraged to participate in wellness programs that are customized to their needs and wants. Goals for each department Increase exposure to all dimensions of wellness Create a culture that is welcoming of healthy decisions Promote team building and unified goals through wellness challenges Decrease sick day usage as well as employee health care costs Track employee satisfaction to improve the effectiveness of the program
Worksite Wellness Does Worksite Wellness Really Work? Cardiac Risk Factor/Health Care Cost Study 308 employees + 31 spouses (339 total), interviewed before/after participating in 6 month worksite wellness program Total medical claim costs for the entire cohort averaged $2,981 per subject for the 12 months before intervention and were not significantly different between the active and control arms ($2,960 vs $3,002 respectively). For the 12 months after the intervention, medical claim costs decreased to an average of $1,539 per subject in the active group and $2,522 per subject in the control group. For every dollar invested in the worksite intervention, $6 was realized in health care savings.
The Dimensions of Wellness
Oklahoma State University Dimensions of Wellness
Physical Physical Wellness is concerned with our physiological functions, and the decisions we make to improve or change them. Host walking/step program Participate in a office exercise routine Initiate a meal prep week Make ‘fresh fruit Friday’ a norm in your department Introduce team weight loss goals Offer tobacco cessation program or information Take part in a health risk assessment Tabata a Day
Spiritual Spiritual wellness strengthens the connection between our values, beliefs, and self-efficacy. Create a gratitude journal Make a list of your top 10 values Create 3 short-term, and 1 long-term personal goals Advocate multiple ‘quiet times’ during the day Host/Participate in a office yoga routine Thank a coworker for their contributions each day Office Yoga Routine
Emotional Wellness Emotional wellness helps us sharpen the connection between our feelings and individual emotions (i.e.; sorrow, joy, love, etc). Keep a squeezable stress toy close by Track your stress through a stress monthly journal Find a physical outlet for stress (workout, singing, games) Take small ‘mind breaks’ during the day Confide in a friend, family member, or professional outlet The Positivity Game
Professional Professional wellness enables us to improve our professional skills such as creativity, leadership qualities, financial management, ability to learn, etc. Spark creativity with quick mind games Define the individual traits of a supervisor/leader you like Track your expenses and develop a financial budget Create a retirement plan Alternative team leaders for each meeting Learn a new skill (no matter how small or big) The Picasso Game
Social Social wellness is how we connect, communicate, or get along with the people we are surrounded by. Invite new coworkers to lunch each week/month Plan regular dates/meetings with family and friends Organize a work mini-retreat for the department Challenge another department to a wellness activity Volunteer your time to a cause/organization Social Wellness Profile
Wellness Wheel Activity Read each statement Fill in the corresponding pie-shaped section of the wheel to the degree you are achieving this For example, question #1 is: “I eat a balanced nutritional diet” If you feel you are doing this 100% of the time, color in all of section 1. If you do this 60% of the time, color 60% of the section. Complete this for all 16 sections of the wheel.
Questions Physical Wellness 1. I eat a balanced nutritional diet. 2. I exercise at least 3 times per week. 3. I am generally free from illness. 4. I am a reasonable weight for my height. Professional Wellness 5. I have a solid balance between saving for the future and spending for the present. 6. What I am doing with work/school has purpose. 7. I have a balance between work/school and the other areas of my life. Emotional Wellness 8. I am able to feel and label my feelings. 9. I have a sense of control in my life and I am able to adapt to change. 10. Others would describe me as emotionally stable.
Questions cont. Social Wellness 11. I am able to resolve conflicts in all areas of my life. 12. I have at least three people with whom I have a close trusting relationship. 13. I have satisfying social interaction with others. Spiritual Wellness 14. I have a sense of meaning and purpose in my life. 15. I trust others and am able to forgive others and myself and let go. 16. Principles/ethics/morals provide guides for my life. Recolor your wheel after 6 months of wellness engagement to see if any change has taken place
Presenters Jeremiah Watkins (OSU-Tulsa Wellness) Tulsa Campus, North Hall Jesse Chaffin (OSU-CHS Wellness) CHS Campus, Wellness Center