2 Samuel as a whole
2 Samuel I. The Reign of David as Characterized by Prosperity and Growth (Blessing) Family Rule II. The Reign of David as Characterized by Problems and Decline (Curse) Family Rule III. Various Events and Persons Related to David’s Reign 1:1 10:19 11:1 20:26 21:1 24:25 Occasion for David’s reign: Death of Saul and Jonathan Establishment of David’s Throne and Family David Established at Hebron (King of Judah) David Established at Jerusalem (King of all Israel) David’s sin and repent- ance Negative Consequences of David’s Sin for his Family and Rule PIVOT Problems Surrounding David’s Family Problems Surrounding David’s Rule- Rebellion A. Gibeonites -ch.21 B. Song - 22:1-23:7 C. Mighty Men 23:8- 39 D. Plague ch. 24 1:1-27 2:1 4:12 2:1 10:19 5:1 11:1-12:31 13:1 20:26 13:1 14:33 15:1 20:26 13:1-22- Amnon’s incestuous rape of Tamar 13:23-14:33 Absolom’s murder of Amnon
Pivot (Cruciality) David’s Sin against Bathsheba and Uriah (chs ) X Establishment of David’sIncessant difficulties, tragedies, throne and house, with and threats to David’s reign and prosperity (chs. 2-10)to his house (chs )