Housekeeping Introductions Expectation of Respect Cell Phones – off and away Sign-In & Distribution List
Resources for Success School Counselors Ms. Fletcher – Last Names A-F Mrs. Street– Last Names G-O Ms. Nersasian – Last Names P-Z You can make an appointment to see your counselor through Mrs. Steffin, our counseling secretary, just bring your agenda book Additional Resources Mrs. Gamiel, School Nurse Mrs. Wayne, School Psychologist Ms. Blum, Educational Diagnostician Ms. Schiavino, Building Administrative Assistant Mrs. Adams, Attendance Secretary Wellness Center Ask for help and support when you need it!
Wellness Center Hours: 7:30am-2:30pm Monday-Friday (Room 102) Services include: Physicals and health screenings, flu shots Counseling (individual, family, and group) Health education/risk reduction Reproductive health services Nutrition/weight management Crisis Intervention All services are free! Fill out enrollment forms and return to Wellness Center (forms located on their door)
Freshman Year at BHS Freshman year counts!! Freshman year helps develop study habits; always prepare by completing homework and studying for exams. Midterms and Final Exam: Why are they important? RTI: Why am I here? After-School Help: Stay after school with your teacher! Getting Involved: Clubs, Sports, and Activities Transcripts: What is a transcript and why is the transcript important?
Graduation Requirements English4 Math (*Algebra 2) 4 Science (*Biology) 3 Social Studies (*US History) 3 World Language2 Health0.5 Physical Education 1 Career Pathway3 Electives3.5 TOTAL24 32 opportunities to earn 24 credits
Promotion to 10 th Grade 6 Credits Required 1 English 1 Math 1 Science, or Social Studies, or World Language 3 Additional Credits If you work hard and do well you can be recommended for Honors and AP Classes for 10 th grade!! Advanced Placement (AP) Classes College level classes that begin in 10 th grade (AP Biology and/or AP World History) Recommendations based on grades, potential, and readiness At the end of the course, you can take an AP exam and earn college credit depending on your score.
Credits, Attendance & GPA Credits Credits are earned when you pass a class Full year classes are worth 1 credit Attendance for school year 13 absences per class. Any more forfeits credit for the course GPA (Grade Point Average) Unweighted GPA - Face value GPA out of a maximum of 4.0 (A=4.0, B=3.0, C=2.0, D=1.0). Weighted GPA – bonus quality points added based on the level of difficulty of coursework. Used to determine class rank (Honors=0.5, AP=1)
Quality Points *** A student must earn at least 8 quality points to pass a class A 4 point grading system is used to determine final grades: A – 4 = 8 in a marking period, 4 on a midterm or final exam B – 3 = 6 in a marking period, 3 on a midterm or final exam C – 2 = 4 in a marking period, 2 on a midterm or final exam D – 1 = 2 in a marking period, 1 on a midterm or final exam F – 0 = 0 in a marking period, 0 on a midterm or final exam Formula for calculating quality points: MP(x2) + Exams(x1) = total quality points divided by 10 MP1(x2)+MP2(x2)+Midtermx1+MP3(x2)+MP4(x2)+Final(x1) = Total/10
Opportunities for Elective Credits Delaware Volunteer Credit 90 hours of service= 1 elective credit (can accumulate over 4 years) Locate a non-profit agency through Provide documentation of 90 hours of service by April 1 st to your counselor to receive credit Work Credit 150 hours of work = 1 elective credit Bring pay stubs as documentation to your counselor to receive credit * Each can only be used 1 time throughout your high school career
Clubs and Sports Clubs offered at BHS include: Art Club Blue Gold Club Key Club FCCLA (Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America) Student Government/Class Officer Chess Club DECA Future Educators of America Mock Trial SAFE (Students Advocating For Everyone) Stage Crew TSA (Technology Student Association) Yearbook Youth Alive Music (Jazz Band, Marching Band) And more….. Sports offered at BHS include: Fall: Football, Cross Country, Field Hockey, Soccer (boys), Volleyball (girls), Cheerleading Winter: Basketball, Swimming, Indoor Track, Wrestling, Cheerleading Spring: Baseball, Golf, Lacrosse, Soccer (girls), Softball, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball (boys) Athletic Director: Mr. Shea
BHS Athletic Eligibility You must be passing 5 classes in order to be eligible to play a sport. “Passing” is a D or better. You must have a current athletic physical on file. If you are failing more than 3 classes when the report cards are issued, you will be deemed ineligible for the remainder of the season.
National Collegiate Athletic Association: NCAA Eligibility Center determines athletic eligibility for college sports Eligibility is passed upon your GPA and SAT scores. Create an account during 11th grade. Athletic Aid is only given for Division I and II to download the College Bound Student Athlete Guide
Preparing for the Future Things to Consider Colleges want to see that you challenged yourself and took Honors and AP courses. PSAT/SAT/ACT- Standardized tests that you will be taking for college admissions. All students will take the PSAT in 10 th and 11 th grade Think about your interests and abilities: What do you enjoy doing and what are your unique capabilities and talents? Get involved early! Show you are committed by being involved in sports and clubs for all 4 years of high school. Course Selection - Colleges are looking at the strength or rigor of your courses throughout high school.