Discussion Questions 5/20/16 Using your textbook or smart phone please complete the following: 1. How many electrons to fill the first orbital? The second? The third? 1. Please give the biological definition of behavior (pg 908) 2. Define stimulus and response and explain how they are related (pg 908) 3. Please compare and contrast innate and learned behavior (pg 910,912) 4.Define habituation and give an example (pg 912) 5.Please describe a fixed action pattern and give an example (pg 910)
Electrons 57cbaadee104?hasLocalHost=true Behavior 38a ?hasLocalHost=true
Reminders There will be a chemistry test…it is already copied and ready on You received your review last week Turn in Rat booklet and color sheet
Chemistry Unit Atoms and Elements ppt. 1 st period Begin Lorenzo’s Oil
Figure out the missing numbers
Periodic Table
Today’s Objective: OBJECTIVES: Puzzle activity
Puzzle Lab- With your lab group you are to predict the patterns on your group’s missing card. You must be able to tell me the color of the card and everything that is on the card. When you think that your team has the correct answer come share your information with me. For every time I tell you that you are wrong, five points will be taken off. On a separate sheet of paper list all of the patterns your group found. HANDOUT- on the elements
5/7/14 5/14/5/20/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please describe how an oxygen molecule would travel from the nose to the circulatory system.
5/7/14 5/8/15/12/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please explain how antigens and antibodies are related (pg 904) (pg 904) 2. Please describe HIV and AIDS in as much detail as possible (pg 919)
4/23/5/12/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please compare and contrast monocots and dicots (pg 721)
4/23/ AP BIO Discussion Questions5/11/16 1. Please describe the life cycle of an angiosperm (pg 611)
4/16/5/5/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please describe gametangia and include descriptions of the archegonia and antheridia (pg 581) 2. Please describe the three types of Bryophytes (pg 585). 3. Please describe the life cycle of a moss (pg 586).
4/15/5/4/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Using textbook page 580 please describe alternation of generations (be sure to include all important vocabulary generations (be sure to include all important vocabulary shown in figure 29.6 shown in figure 29.6
4/10/5/3/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. What do taxonomists think plants evolved from (pg 575) 2. Please list and briefly describe the four major groups of land plants (pg 576) 3. What adaptations do plants have that allow them to live a terrestrial existence (pg 576) a terrestrial existence (pg 576) 4. As detailed as possible, tell me as much as you can remember about photosynthesis remember about photosynthesis
4/09/4/29/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please compare and contrast threatened and endangered species (pg 1225) species (pg 1225) 2. Please explain why dissolved oxygen levels are important in aquatic ecosystems (pgs 1107, 1108, ) in aquatic ecosystems (pgs 1107, 1108, )
Video Respiratory System
Good Luck Today Number 2 pencil ONLY Scan-tron: first and last name Hour = Period subject = Evolution date = 4/5/16 test no. = A or B You may write on the test When you finish with the test, put them in the correct stack on lab table 4 We have to practice timed tests…so………. You have the rest of the class period to finish…but you must finish this class period. Watch your time.
4/03/4/26/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please compare and contrast primary and secondary succession (pgs ) succession (pgs ) 2. Please compare and contrast gross primary production and net primary production (pgs ) and net primary production (pgs )
4/04/4/28/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please define an estuary and explain how it differs from a wetland (pg 1109) 2. Please define agonistic behavior and give an example (p 1138) 3. Please describe nitrogen fixation (pg 1210) (study jams clip)
4/07/ AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please describe biological magnification and explain how it is related to DDT. (pgs ) it is related to DDT. (pgs ) 2. Please describe the Greenhouse Effect and explain how it is related to Global Warming (pgs ) it is related to Global Warming (pgs )
Biological Magnification UoKLxlA
Bozeman Body systems at 4:14 WZqGzA2X06iN-O6KW3MK6n0z8_8DL8L WZqGzA2X06iN-O6KW3MK6n0z8_8DL8L
3/3/3/ 4/21/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please compare and contrast operant and classical conditioning. (pg 1132) conditioning. (pg 1132) 2. Please compare and contrast taxis and kinesis (pg 1134). 3. Describe imprinting and explain the relationship with sensitive period (pg ) sensitive period (pg )
3/24/13/16 AP BIO Discussion Questions 1. Please compare and contrast biotic and abiotic factors (pg 1093) (pg 1093) 2. Please describe each: species, population, community, and ecosystem (pg 1094) and ecosystem (pg 1094)
Keystone Species Biodiversity
Excellent Study Tool videos/
College Board Obectives and Agenda for the Day College Board: Statistics Today's Agenda- Human Body Project - In this unit we will: Exam: TBA
Follow the instructions CAREFULLY in the booklet. READ carefully, don’t skim. Have someone answer the questions as you encounter them and make drawings. Human Body Video
Excellent Study Tool videos/
… take notes in here. … paper and ink
Check these often: Lost and Found Lost papers
Monitor your Grades!!! Make sure you are monitoring your grades via HAC/SAC
Absent?? Check the website
My Goals for YOU Develop a love and curiosity for biology because biology is amazing!! Pass the AP Biology College Board Exam with a 4 or 5 (saves you time and $$$$) Have fun this year while being challenged at the college level!
Why I chose to teach I believe: Life should be filled with love, joy, laughter, learning and fun! One way to have these things is to get a good education and great job. The reason we are here is to help one another have these things It is important to “pay it forward” and make a difference in someone else’s life otherwise, why are we here?!?
The New AP Biology Course and AP Biology Exam Teacher is facilitator. Very few Power Point notes from the teacher Learning is Inquiry Based Labs are Inquiry Based Students are given objectives to meet and master.
AP Biology Exam – Usually 2nd Monday in May The tests will be graded under the direction of the College Board, with scores ranging from 1 to 5. Colleges generally grant credit for scores of 3, 4, or 5, but it is up to the discretion of the participating colleges. Any student wishing to receive college credit for this course MUST check with his or her prospective college NOW to determine what will be accepted for credit.
Exam Information The AP Biology Exam consists of two sections: multiple choice and free response. The exam is 3 hours long and includes both a 90-minute multiple choice section and a 90-minute free-response section that begins with a mandatory 10-minute reading period. The multiple-choice section accounts for half of the student’s exam grade, and the free-response section accounts for the other half.
Section I, Part A, consists of 63 multiple-choice questions Part B includes 6 grid-in questions that require the integration of science and mathematical skills. In Section II, students should use the mandatory reading period to read and review the questions and begin planning their responses. This section contains two types of free-response questions (short and long), and the student will have a total of 80 minutes to complete all of the questions. There will be 2 long Free Response and 6 short free response
Are you studying for the AP Exam??? Doing well can save you time and lots of money!!! STUDY NOW…read through your Cliff Notes book a few minutes every night. Review stuff we’ve already covered with your Cliff Notes book.
Agenda Human Body Project
**use complete sentences please **check the floor around your area and throw away any trash **please put textbooks back under your desks planet earth water 1.1. Please describe Interphase and its substages 2.2. Please describe the “M” phase and its substages.
**use complete sentences please **check the floor around your area and throw away any trash **please put textbooks back under your desks planet earth water 1.1. Please describe Interphase and its substages 2.2. Please describe the “M” phase and its substages.