Science Fair Parent Night
What we don’t want -
Why Science Fair? Heightens student interest in science and allows for the exploration of personal interest areas Promotes the cognitive and intellectual development of students Provides students with authentic, hands-on experiences through scientific investigation Engages students in scientific investigation beyond the routine classroom. Fosters the development of students’ sense of personal capabilities and qualities. Instills an appreciation for the relevance of science in daily life Provides the opportunity to recognize and commend scientific accomplishments.
Supports Important Core Standards such as….. Reading, writing and research involved in student science fair projects are one way for students to achieve the rigor and critical thinking evident in the Common Core Standards Cite specific textual evidence to support analysis of science and technical texts Follow precisely a multistep procedure when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks Integrate quantitative information expressed in words in a text including information expressed visually (graph, etc) Compare and contrast information Write informative/explanatory texts, including..scientific procedures/experiments Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context
Developing 21 st Century Skills… Creativity and innovation Critical thinking and problem solving Communication and collaboration Initiative and self-direction Productivity and accountability Information, communication, and technology literacy
Participant Reflections on Successful Science Fair Experiences… Jeffrey I. Seeman Fair participants…….. feel they are “stretched” academically and personally recommend “choosing a project that interests you” recognize that their own curiosity and interests can lead to compelling research questions and substantive scientific hypothesis believe their research can and will have meaningful consequences feel they are “living” the scientific process – just as professionals do feel welcomed and encouraged to interact with professional scientists feel they are EXPERTS on their topics
What’s Next? Each teacher has established a series of due dates for each component of the project. Most already have this posted on their website. Experimentation should begin by the middle of October. Exception are those projects needing preapproval (more information later) Complete necessary paperwork for any projects that need paperwork (more explanation later): Any project involving human subjects or surveys. Any project with potentially dangerous materials. Final projects will be due during the 2 nd week of December. School Science fair will be the first week in January (like last year).
Helpful Tips for Parents Watch Teacher Website for Due Dates/Deadlines Make sure students have enough time to complete their experiment, especially those using plants or needing longer periods of time to collect data Watch Teacher Website for Upcoming Help Sessions Teachers will be offering help sessions after school, some in collaboration with other teachers and parent volunteers, so look out for opportunities posted on teacher websites Choose a Project Topic that Interests Your Student This will only make the project that much more meaningful, engaging, and interesting for your student Support Student Learning with Questions, Not Answers This is your student’s project, not yours If your student becomes stuck with their project, don’t just tell them the answer, ask questions to guide their thinking and help them solve the problem Provide them with opportunities to go to the library or access to a computer for research purposes. Provide encouragement and support. Purchasing Materials This is a project that is to be completed outside of class so please make sure students have access to the materials needed for their project. CCA is not responsible for funding or providing materials needed by the student.
Paperwork- County requires paperwork to ensure safety. Projects without appropriate paperwork will not be able to compete at county. All forms can be found at
Paperwork All projects requiring preapproved paperwork need the following turned in to their science teacher by Monday, October 19 th These Forms are for ALL Preapproval Projects, No Matter the Content (1) Checklist for Adult Sponsor – TEACHER is Adult Sponsor This outlines additional forms needed for preapproved projects (1A) Student Checklist Includes a Research Plan on 2 nd Page that MUST be complete (1B) Approval Form (2) Qualified Scientist Form The qualified scientist who approves their project (using the research plan and appropriate forms) will sign off on this form – it CANNOT be the Parent or Adult Sponsor These Forms are Specific for the Content of the Preapproval Projects (1C) Research Institution – Only if completing project in Research Institution (4) Human Participant Form – Example Qualified Scientist: Psychologist, Exercise Physiologist Informed Consent and Verification Form – We must keep the Verification Form on file for 3 years (5A and 5B) Vertebrate Animal Form – Qualified Scientist: Veterinarian (6A) Potentially Hazardous Biological Agents – Qualified Scientist Example: Microbiologist Students doing this type of project MUST complete it in a research lab, therefore needing form 1C (6B) Human and Animal Vertebrate Tissue Form – Qualified Scientist Example: Master’s Degree or PhD Level Scientist SRC or IRB Approval Areas are for Science Fair Board – Leave Blank Students with Preapproval Projects MAY NOT BEGIN EXPERIMENTATION UNTIL PROJECT IS APPROVED.
Before you leave tonight- Purchase a board for the low cost of $5.00 Ask any questions that you might have. If we don’t know the answer right away we will follow up with you. Sign In and Sign up if you are interested in- Helping students with projects after school Judging Science fair projects during the fair. Any other aspect of Science fair.