1 System analysis of WDM optically-assisted ADC Payam Rabiei and A. F. J. Levi The University of Southern California University Park, DRB 118 Los Angeles, California Presented at UCLA on December 14, 1999.
2 Wavelength division demultiplexing (WDM) optically- assisted ADC in an n-channel system AWGDSP Optical source Modulator DetectorLPFADC DetectorLPFADC DetectorLPFADC RF signal spectrum Reconstructed output signal Time Input sequence of time- interleaved WDM optical pulses Anti-aliasing RF filter RFRF X( RF ) 1 2 n 1 2 Channel 1 Channel 2 Channel n x(t)x(t) H m RF SYNC. CLK.
3 The source and modulator electric field spectrum E m ( nnnn Modulated optical- field spectrum nnnn Optical-field spectrum E( Example with N + 1 = 3 optical-modes for each center wavelength, m CC x(t) is the RF signal applied to the modulator, d is optical modulation depth, t C = 2 / C, a m,k is amplitude of mode k associated with center frequency m
4 Optical pulse output of multi-wavelength mode-locked laser Optical pulse using 3 modes spaced by 8 GHz and center wavelength 0 = 1550 nm Optical pulse using 3 modes and 5 center wavelengths spaced by 40 GHz Wavelength, 0.32 nm (40 GHz) 0 = nm = nm ( C = 8 GHz) FWHM = 28 ps FWHM = 4 ps
5 Combined LPF and detector frequency response 00 CC C C Ideal low-pass filter
6 Reconstruction of the RF signal using DSP SYNC. CLK.
7 System transfer function for one-pole RC LPF Example with N + 1 = 3 optical-modes for each center wavelength, m and n = 5 channels Set a m,k = 1 and d = 1.
8 System transfer function for 8-pole Butterworth LPF
9 System transfer function for 2-pole Butterworth LPF
10 Transversal filter and integrator system response Transversal filter and integrator can be used to obtain flat response The system is more practical Delay line (t d ) Input (current) Output (voltage)
11 Practical transversal filter response Delay line (t d ) Input (current) Output (voltage) R R = 50 C = 125 pF t RC = 25.5 MHz t d = 125 ps
12 5-channel system transfer function for large N indicates: Flatness of frequency response of 1-pole RC LPFs is poor Flatness of frequency response of 8-pole Butterworth LPFs is good Comparison of 8-pole Butterworth and 1-pole RC LPF for large N
13 Comparison of different filters Noise RC one-pole system = . BW Transversal filter = . BW 8-pole Butterworth ~ 1. BW Ideal filter = 1. BW Flatness of system frequency response RC one-pole systemPoor Transversal filter Excellent 8-pole Butterworth Good Ideal filterExcellent Complexity RC one-pole systemEasy Transversal filterEasy 8-pole ButterworthHard Ideal filterImpossible
14 Jitter in optical source and shot noise in optical detector White noise Jitter noise = 10 fs, 100 fs, 1 ps N b = Number of bits RF = Maximum signal frequency t = Timing jitter (peak-to-peak) For 20 GHz signal, N b = 8 t < 31 fs 4 GHz Detector Shot noise P = Input power per channel t = Sampling interval E = Particle energy 0.8 eV for = 1550 nm For N b = 8 and 8 GS/s P = 0.1 mW P = 1 mW gives N b = 9.6 Prob. Jitter
15 Simulation results for the effect of jitter on ENOB and SNR 8-pole Butterworth -channel system with no shot noise 4 GHz -3 dB bandwidth SNR(dB) = (6.02 ENOB)
16 Simulation results for effect of detector shot-noise on SNR 8-pole Butterworth -channel system with no jitter 4 GHz -3 dB bandwidth SNR(dB) = (6.02 ENOB)
17 Simulation results for effect of detector shot-noise on SNR 1-pole RC Filter -channel system 4 GHz -3 dB bandwidth SNR(dB) = (6.02 ENOB)
18 Simulation results for effect of detector shot noise and jitter on ENOB and SNR 8-pole Butterworth -channel system 4 GHz -3 dB bandwidth SNR(dB) = (6.02 ENOB) b at 40 GS/s possible in 5-channel system using 1 mW received optical power per channel and = 100 fs jitter
19 Transversal filter shot-noise simulation for 5-channel system R = 50 C = 125 pF t RC = 25.5 MHz t d = 125 ps
20 Effect of frequency response mismatch in LPFs The effect of single-channel LPF frequency mismatch on the frequency dependence of the ENOB. Example: 8-pole Butterworth, -channel system with 4 GHz -3 dB LPF bandwidth and no sources of noise Difficult to maintain better than 0.25% LPF frequency mismatch over 0 o C < T < 70 o C
21 Time-domain simulation result for noise analysis Reconstructed time-domain 2 GHz signal in presence of = 1 ps jitter. The 5-channel system uses 8-pole Butterworth LPFs with 4 GHz –3 dB bandwidth. Signal-level dependent noise Time, t Signal Jitter
22 Conclusions In principle, WDM ADC using LPFs and DSP works! The optical part mixes high-frequency with low-frequency components by aliasing. This is a hybrid opto-electronic RF-mixer. The main advantages of LPF are lower bandwidth and reduction of noise in the system due to limited bandwidth. The LPF should be designed for a flat-frequency system response. LPFs should have matched frequency response. An anti-aliasing filter is required at the modulator RF input. To obtain moderate ADC performance (ENOB > 6 and > 40 GS/s): Relatively long optical pulses (e.g. 28 ps) can be used in the system minimizing optical-pulse amplitude noise. Optical-pulse jitter must be less than = 100 fs. The received optical power per detector must be greater than ~ 1 mW. ENOB > 10 and > 40 GS/s requires jitter 10 mW per channel
23 Future work Build on basic model to include non-linearity in modulator and detector include physical laser model with RIN and jitter Need new type of laser to enable optical ADC technology develop parameters from system model implement initial laser device controlled-spectrum mode-locked low pulse to pulse time-jitter low amplitude noise high-power optical output relatively long optical pulses