1 How many triangles are in this geometric figure?
6 2 The challenge is to draw three straight lines from border to border. Each line must pass through three numbers. You must pass through each number only once
15 Solve this puzzle by printing one number in each circle so that each of the five rows totals
You have three cards: an ace, a queen, and a six. One is a diamond, one is a heart, and one is a spade, although not necessarily in that order. The diamond sits between the queen and the heart. The six is immediately to the right of the spade. Where is each card located? 16
Malcolm the zoo keeper had four extremely rare and dangerous big cats in his care, each living in one of four cages in a row. The cages are made from 13 separate bars. One night, the lion who was living in the cage at one end, made a bid for freedom, and broke down the outside bars of his cage. Thankfully, the keeper was watching and managed to calm the lion before he escaped from the zoo. Now Malcolm needs to work out how he can retain his four pens with only twelve bars - can you help? 18
How can two people step on one page of newspaper so that they can't touch each other without stepping of the newspaper? 20
At a family reunion were the following people: one grandfather, one grandmother, two fathers, two mothers, four children, three grandchildren, one brother, two sisters, two sons, two daughters, one father-in-law, one mother-in-law, and one daughter-in-law. But not as many people attended as it sounds. How many were there, and who were they? 21
All of my flowers except two are roses. All of my flowers except two are tulips. All of my flowers except two are daisies. How many flowers do I have? 22
What did the gingerbread man put on his bed? 23
How many countries can you name that end with “land”? 1. ___________________6. _________________ 2. ___________________7. _________________ 3. ___________________8. _________________ 4.___________________9. _________________ LAND 5. ___________________ 10. ________________ 24
Tower Block What is the value on the hidden faces of the dice? 25
Tiling the Wall A rectangular area of kitchen wall will need 3 rows of 12 tiles to cover it. You have as many white tiles and as many colored tiles as you need, but although the area must include both types of tiles, the colored tiles must never be next to each other, not even diagonally. If each row must have at least one colored tile, what is the maximum number that can be used? = 26
At midnight it is raining very hard. What are the chances that it will be sunny in 72 hours. 27
SPANIEL Try to spell at least twenty (20) three letter words by using only the letters in “Spaniel”. 1.________________11.__________________ 2.________________12.__________________ 3._________________13.___________________ 4._________________14.___________________ 5._________________15.__________________ 6._________________16.___________________ 7._________________17.___________________ 8._________________18.___________________ 9._________________19.___________________ 10._________________20.___________________ Now try some four or five letter words! 1._________________ 7.___________________ 2._________________8.___________________ 3._________________9.___________________ 4._________________10.___________________ 5._________________11. ___________________ 28
If something funny is called a joke and people can be spelled folk, what do we call the white of the egg? 29
This is an unusual paragraph. I'm curious how quickly you can find out what is so unusual about it. It looks so plain you would think nothing was wrong with it. In fact, nothing is wrong with it! It is unusual though. Study it, and think about it, but you still may not find anything odd. But if you work at it a bit, you might find out. 30
What is the only word in the English language that has 6 letters, all in alphabetical order? 31
What moves forwards and backwards but has no legs, it cannot talk, it cannot walk, it doesn't slither or crawl across the floor either. It comes in different shapes, sizes and colors. What is it? 32
What are four things that have an 'eye' but cannot see? 33 5