LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME LEONARDO DA VINCI Partnerships “Lets Study” Presentation of the two United Kingdom partners
Date: 30 th Sept 2013 – 2 nd Oct 2013 Location: Vilnius, Lithuania Recommendations for Inclusive Vocational and Higher Education for Persons with Disabilities Further education and skills training (England and Wales) Issue: The further education (FE) system – the colleges and training providers that teach vocational qualifications and skills – needs to guarantee students high quality teaching and courses to help students into jobs or university
Actions: To improve quality and efficiency in FE and skills training, the government is: Reforming the funding and content of 16 to 18 year old provision through the introduction of Study Programmes Introducing a new funding system based on student loans: it’s for people aged 24+, studying at levels 3 and 4, or for advanced and higher apprenticeships. Freeing colleges from central government control. Improving Apprenticeships Making Further Education teacher training more professional Providing better careers advice Introducing a new trainee support programme for young people to develop skills for employment, including apprenticeships Introducing the technical baccalaureate (TechBacc) - a new measure that will allow young people aspiring to a vocational career a high-quality alternative to the A level route Reforming 16 to19 vocational qualifications, expanding the provision of work experience and allowing colleges to enroll 14 to 16 year olds.
Background: Responsibility for funding post-16 learning in England is shared between the Department for Education (16-18 year olds) and the Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (19 year olds and over).Department for EducationDepartment for Business, Innovation & Skills In March 2011, an independent review of further education, the Review of vocational education made a number of recommendations including that we:Review of vocational education Move to ‘per-student’ funding instead of ‘per-qualification’ funding, to make institutions more accountable to learners Improve the quality of apprenticeships Expand the teaching of substantial vocational qualifications and the teaching of English and Mathematics Extend the provision of work experience
Government Reports: The government has published a number of reports and plans on aspects of the Further Education and Training system, including: Skills for sustainable growthSkills for sustainable growth, which sets out the national skills strategy for England Our plan for further education Skills funding statement Skills funding statement , which contains the budget for skills and the numbers of learners it will support for the next 2 years, set out. Strategy for investing £550 million in college facilities in the FE college capital investment strategyFE college capital investment strategy Jason Holt’s independent report on apprenticeships and small businesses, Making apprenticeships more accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises: a review by Jason HoltMaking apprenticeships more accessible to small and medium-sized enterprises: a review by Jason Holt
Government reports..continued Doug Richard’s independent report for the government on the future of apprenticeships our plans to set up chartered status for the further education sector, to help institutions celebrate their success and reputation, Chartered status for the further education sectorChartered status for the further education sector Chartered status design competitionChartered status design competition the report by Lord Lingfield on how the further education sector can best serve its users’ needs, Professionalism in further education: final report of the Independent Review PanelProfessionalism in further education: final report of the Independent Review Panel Reports can be found at: