NATIONAL SKILLS AUTHORITY Gauteng PSDF Launch Johannesburg 17 September 2014 The role of the NSA in advancing skills development
CONTEXT 1.Background and Legislative context 2.Role of the NSA 3.Progress and achievements 4. Role of PSDF
BACKGROUND/LEGISLATIVE MANDATE The National Skills Authority (NSA) is a statutory body that was first established in 1999 in terms of Chapter 2 of the Skills Development Act, The Skills Development Act 97 of 1998 and Act 37 of 2008 as amended, the Presidential Proclamation No 44 of 2009, Government Gazette Number and subsequent proclamations (No. 48 of 2009, Government Gazette No of 7 July 2009 and No. 531of 2009, Government Gazette Number of 4 September 2009) assigned the Skills development responsibility under the Minister for Higher Education and Training.
ROLES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE NSA To advise the Minister on: National Skills Development Strategy. National Skills Development Policy. Guidelines on the implementation of the NSDS. the strategic framework and criteria for allocation of funds from the National Skills Fund; and Any regulations to be made.
Progress since 2009 National Skills Authority (NSA) advised the Minister to extend the implementation of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS II) until March NSA conducted stakeholder consultations including Provincial Skills Development Forums (PDSFs) and constituency consultations to consolidate inputs and recommendations to advise the Minister on the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS III) to be implemented from Minister was advised to review the SETA landscape , the process which resulted in a reduction of SETAs from twenty three (23) to (21). Currently preparing for processes to review the NSDS and SETA Landscape post 2016.
NSDS 3 NDP Requirements; Synergize Education in the economic growth context Respond to the needs of labour market in order to improve the overall productivity of the economy Strengthen partnership between education and industry Improve work readiness with required quality by Industry Workplace-based skills development (work integrated learning, WIL) Improve entrepreneurial and innovative economy R/D and innovation capacity Depended on SETAs support
Progress since 2009 SETA fund grant regulations NSA also engaged on the Further Education Training (FET) Bill, Green Paper on Post School Education and Training and the NQF sub frameworks. NSA engaged with the department on the SETA grant regulations review process and the development of the trade test regulations. NSA advised the department to ensure extensive consultation with key stakeholders on the grant regulations. Minister was advised to review the SETA fund grant regulations to ensure that SETA funding addresses government and sector priorities and to approve the trade test regulations.
Progress and achievements Advice on the performance of skills development institutions National Skills Fund The NSA advised the Minister to approve the NSF strategic plan and allocation framework and improve the effectiveness of the NSF the department subsequently developed a turnaround strategy aimed at improving the effectiveness of the NSF guides the work of the NSF and serves as a basis for an assessment of the Fund’s performance by stakeholders Training Lay off Scheme The department was advised to investigate ways to reduce the TLS bureaucratic application processes. The NSA advised the NSF to communicate with SETAs to identify the blockages/challenges to be addressed, review processes and criteria for the training layoff scheme in order to increase the uptake of the scheme.
Progress since 2009 Stakeholder management and mobilisation PSDFs were reestablished as per the SDA to be stakeholders’ platform to address specific provincial needs. NSA hosted Provincial Consultative Workshops in each province with the overall aim to mobilise business, government, community and labour to take full ownership of the NSDS III. National Skills Conference 2011& 2013 NSA hosted two successful national skills conference in 2011 & 2013 Skills Recognition Awards aimed at recognizing efforts made by implementing partners in the creation of placement opportunities in
PSDF Legislative mandate Provincial Skills Development Forums were established to be stakeholders’ platform to address specific provincial needs. They also served as links between the NSA and the Provinces. PSDFs facilitate the preparations and co-ordination of activities leading to the development of Provincial Growth Development Strategies The Skills Development Act 37 of 2008 as amended states: Those purposes are to be achieved [by] through - a skills development forum in each Departmental province;
Background on PSDF Provincial Skills Development Forum is seen as catalyst and platform for sharing and expediting skills development drive in the province PSDF should bring on board role players with a vision to take forward provincial economic growth through skills development Skills development should lead to economic growth, employment creation, identification and placing of unemployed work seekers into formal employment, social development projects and/or income generating opportunities.
Composition of the Provincial Skills Development Forum Provincial Skills Development Forum shall consist of duly appointed members representing- Government departments. Provincial Office of the Premier. Organized labour. Organized business. Organizations of Labour, Business, Community, Service Providers and The interest of designated groups (youth, women & people with disabilities) All SETAs that may be relevant to the main economic activity in that province (whether provincially based or not). Representatives of the provider community The NSA must designate at least one, but not more than three members to attend a meeting of the PSDF The representative from the Premier’s/Provincial office shall be the chairperson of the Forum
NSDS III 2011 – 2013 A SKILLED AND CAPABLE WORKFORCE Institutional Mechanism for Skills Planning Access to occupationally- directed programmes Growth of public FET college system Address low level of language and numeracy skills Workplace based skills development Co-Op, SME, NGO and Community training initiatives Public Sector capacitation for improved service delivery Career and Vocational guidance WHERE ARE WE NOW? The Minister of HET said in his 2014 budget vote speech ‘The Department places great emphasis on linking education and the workplace. This will include the development of a clear strategy to turn every workplace into a training space’
Role of PSDF Primary role is to ensure the alignment of all skills development initiatives with economic and social development strategies of the PDGP which include advice on, but not limited to: Skills development for unemployed and underemployed persons Job creation projects and strategic projects in particular Learnerships. Alignment with provincial economic development strategy/PGDS Co-operation with interested bodies. Integration of projects with the national, provincial and local initiatives. Any other matter pertaining to skills development issues affecting the province or part thereof. Facilitate the identification of scarce skills and training needs. Contribute to the development of the Provincial Skills Plan Endorse, monitor and support evaluation of the Provincial Skills Plan. Advice on ways to ensure viability and sustainability of projects. Advice on skills development for designated groups.
Linking Education and the Workplace 15 University Manager/ Professional TVET college Artisan Mid level Community college Independent Sustainable Livelihoods WoRKPLACEWoRKPLACE LearnerEmployer SETAs … with contacts and resources will incentivise employers to take on students for workplace learning opportunities (cf. p. 16) SETAs … will establish workplace needs, and ensure that providers have the capacity to deliver against these (cf p. xvi)
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