Strand C: Classroom Management: Practical Strategies from Evidence-based Research Session 1: Essential Classroom Management Elements: Daily Considerations to Establish Effective Routines and Procedures Presented by: Douglas Cheney, Ph.D. University of Washington, Seattle
First the Rules! NO T’s in My House – Teasing or Tauntin’ – Testing the Teacher – No Touchin’ or Throwin’ – Talking Out, In, Around, About – Trivial Matters – Takin’ Time for Self – Talkin’ on the Tele – Tough Questions!
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! Have you been? 1. Responsible? Stay alert, listen closely Quiet Thumbs 2. Participating? Ask questions Partner Talk 3. Learning and having some fun? Dubs
Strand Presenters/Topics Doug Cheney – Organization & Routines Debra Kamps - Class-wide Function-Related Intervention To Address Behavior Problems Stephen Smith & Ann Daunic - Teaching Replacement Behaviors through Social Problem Solving Cathy Kea, Stanley Trent, Diane Rodriguez Culturally Responsive Classroom Management Strategies for Culturally Diverse Learners
Agenda & Objectives Review essential features of classroom management (research to practice) – Organization, structure, predictability, instruction positive acknowledgement, discipline procedures. Participants discuss those of in place/in need in their classrooms and Participants write actions for enhancing classroom management strategies
Essential Features See References page 2 Edits: Algozzine, R., Daunic, A. & Smith, S. (Eds.). (2010) Preventing Problem Behaviors, 2 nd Edition Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press. Add: Simeonson, B., Fairbanks, S., Briesch, A., Myers, D., Sugai, G. (2008). Evidence-based Practices in Classroom Management: Considerations for Research to Practice, Education And Treatment Of Children, 31,
PhilosophyPrevention Instruction Continuum Of Consequences Continuum Of Consequences Communication Relationships Enter
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! Have you been? 1. Responsible? Stay alert, listen closely Quiet Thumbs 2. Participating? Ask questions Partner Talk 3. Learning and having some fun? Dubs
Theory, Philosophy, Beliefs Canter’s Assertive Discipline – Students need a caring teacher working in their interest – Teachers have the right to a disruption free classroom & the support of administrators & parents. Curwin & Mendler’s Discipline with Dignity – Student success when given a sense of dignity and hope. – To ensure success, teachers redesign the curriculum, encourage different ways of thinking, allow for creativity, use grading systems that provide encouraging feedback without damaging the students willingness to try.
Prevention Features 1-4 on Checklist – Classroom Layout – Walls/Ceilings for Displays – Social Expectations Taught and Reinforced – Transitions Discussed, Taught, Reinforced
Classroom Layout
Social Expectations
Expectations & Daily Goals
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! Have you been? 1. Responsible? Stay alert, listen closely Quiet Thumbs 2. Participating? Ask questions Partner Talk 3. Learning and having some fun? Dubs
Instruction (Items 4-8) Classroom Procedures Schoolwide, Classroom Expectations Daily Routines Whole Group Varied Academic Approaches
Values & Schedule
Routines & Schedules
Positive Consequences (Item 9) Acknowledging Student Success – Praise – Contingencies – Contracts – Token Economies
Routines & Schedules
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! Have you been? 1. Responsible? Stay alert, listen closely Quiet Thumbs 2. Participating? Ask questions Partner Talk 3. Learning and having some fun? Dubs
Addressing Misbehavior (Item 11) Monitoring and Supervision Proximity, Eye Contact, Hand Signals Prompts and Redirects Clear Statements to Stop Misbehavior Differential Reinforcement Response Cost Time out
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! Have you been? 1. Responsible? Stay alert, listen closely Quiet Thumbs 2. Participating? Ask questions Partner Talk 3. Learning and having some fun? Dubs
Clear Communications Relationship Building (Item 10) Behaviorally Specific Calm And Direct Assertive Body Posture Empathy And Concern Questioning And Problem Solving Class Meetings Social Emotional Skill Emphasis
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! Have you been? 1. Responsible? Stay alert, listen closely Quiet Thumbs 2. Participating? Ask questions Partner Talk 3. Learning and having some fun? Dubs
Management Strategies Evertson, Emmer & Worsham (2006) Minor InterventionsModerate InterventionsMore Extensive Interventions Nonverbal Cues Proximity Group Alerting Redirection of the expected behavior for everyone Offer instruction assistance Menu of choices: behavior or consequence Use I messages: When you, then, and I feel… Withhold a privilege Isolate or remove student – Study carrel, Time out area Use a penalty – student must over compensate Assign detention- after school, recess School based consequence - Saturday school Problem Solving Procedure- Requires form and plan Steps go fast; may require a buddy room Glasser’s Reality Therapy Model- 7 steps, highly individual, based on rapport, and mutual planning Peer Mediation Requires training of the peer Strategies for communication Confer with parent Emphasize strengths Document behavior Explain in softened language Clarify expectations, develop plan Create an individual contract with student
Session Expectations Huskies Are With It! Woof! How did you do? I Hope You Learned/Reflected, Met A New Friend, Had A Good Time Dubs