Educational Presentation By: Casandra. Lafayette
My philosophy of education is that all children can learn and achieve their goals and excel to their highest potential with the help of positive role models and well-educated pioneers to carry them and guide them into a productive life as a citizen and human being. As a teacher I plan to up hold my responsibility to all students by helping them to master their goals and go as far as they can in life. My job is to help children to go above and behind and do things that they never thought that they could do. In my life I have many accomplishments that I'm proud of and I feel its because teachers and others had the same mind frame I have.
My Attitude on Education My attitude towards education is that all children can and will learn; no matter their race, size, learning styles, handicaps, or learning abilities. In my classroom I will make sure that my attitude remains positive and that I have an open-mind to all ways of teaching and learning. I feel that there is no one way to teach or learn. I feel that as a teacher I should teach to the abilities of my students. The attitude that I will have in class is that at the end of the day each child should have gained and learned something new. As a positive role model I will guide the children through lessons using techniques that foster all styles of learning whether it be kinesthetic learning, tactile learning visual learning or all of them in one. I will make sure to have an positive outlook on all the styles will use as many resources as I need to help each child individually to succeed.
My Teaching Perspective My teaching perspective is that I will be the best teacher that I can be. “Every child is a multidimensional human being, a person with a heart, a mind and a soul, with hopes and dreams, aspirations, and capacities that must be embraced if productive growth and learning is to take place”(Ayers,2001; xiii). In my class I plan for this to happen, I consider myself an educator and my job is to educate all children through my knowledge and educational skills and background. I plan to be developmentally appropriate teacher that treat all children with respect and love, I will care for them and try to help them to reach their goals and full potential. My plan is to foster all children’s learning styles. I plan to make sure that each child excels in all developmental areas: mentally, academically, physically, cognitively, emotionally, and intellectually. In my classroom there will be motivational pictures and work that inspires children to try and thrive to be all that they can be.
My Classroom Management & Motivational Plan Classroom Management Plan Maintaining classroom management of 21st century learners is the biggest challenge educators are facing today. “In fact, seventy-seven percent of teachers admit that their teaching would be more effective if only they did not have to spend so much time dealing with disruptive or non-compliant students. Years of research have proven that a teacher's classroom management skill level is a critical factor in improving the academic achievement of his or her students" (Good and Brophy, 2003; Marzano, Marzano & Pickering, 2003). I feel that classroom management is an important aspect of the classroom environment. “Classroom management requires an orchestration of effective teaching, proactive preventive strategies, practical corrective strategies, and positive supportive techniques. This approach helps teachers motivate students through active involvement in their own learning and discipline processes with the goals of acquiring learning, self-management, and a repertoire of responsible behaviors”( Kyle, P., & Rogien, L.,2004). In my preschool classroom I have set up a classroom management plan, the purpose of this plan is to make sure that there is a system in place that will help the class day to run smoothly and that will help the students to be cooperative in an inviting learning environment. My goals of this plan is to make sure that everyone can work together and learn together; with less disruptive behavior. Also my goal of the plan is to make sure that each child understands the expectations for behavior and learning. My plan consists of important factors that I will use to manage my class; these factors are: Teacher and Student Expectations, Classroom Rules/Routines, Consequences/ Rewards, Organization /Classroom Set-up, and my Teaching / Motivational Plan. Motivational Plan As an educator, I feel that its my responsibility to teach children and motivate them to thrive for excellence and be successful. Since some children are not intrinsic motivated, I plan to help them get motivated and reach their goals. I will smile at my students daily, I will be a friend and a teacher. I will tell them personal things about my life and hopefully they will be open with me about different things going on in their lives. My plan is to encourage and praise the children in my class. I feel that if I am a positive educator then my children will be positive educators. “Encouragement focuses on getting students to look within for validation and examine their own reactions to their accomplishments and their strengths. Effective praise focuses on giving feedback to students about their accomplishments.”(Kyle,P.,Rogien,L.,2004). In my class children will be productive, they will be responsible and respectful, they will feel appreciated and wanted.
Different School Models Students in today's schools are becoming more academically diverse. There are more students identified for more exceptionalities in special education, more students for whom English is not their first language, and more students struggling to read”( Tomlinson, C., Brimijoin, K., & Narvaez, L. (2008). With that in mind I feel it’s good that we have different ways of teaching and different schools for learning. There are many different types of schools in this world: all in which make a way for children to learn and excel with knowledge. “Public schools are one of the most defining features of our society”(Newman, R. (2013), and charter schools are too especially since they are a type public school. While public and charter schools are defining features of society so are schools that are within schools and other school models such as: Magnet Schools Innovation Schools Schools Within Schools-International Baccalaureate Schools Within Schools-Forest Kindergarteners Homeschooling