Leeds Learning Disability People’s Parliament Report From 1 st March 2016 Being Connected
Lots of members of Peoples Parliament came to the meeting
People’s Parliament Aaron went through the housekeeping and told us about the last Partnership Board meeting. Aaron said todays meeting would be on the theme Being Connected. Kath Lindley and Daniel Froment, the co-chairs of Being Connected told us about this part of the strategy.
Kath got lots of great feedback when she asked Partnership Board 15 th March....what do YOU want to say? Employment Transport Friendships and Great things to do
Travel feedback Training / Support for Travel Transport isn’t very reliable, often not on time Would prefer taxis rather than a minibus My transport is organised for me to go to day service and meet my friends, without it I’d be lost When I was able to travel independently it was good More travel trainers Public transport being used more in centres There needs to be bus driver training to be aware of disabilities Buses; need to give you chance to sit down safely The drivers should make sure the wheelchair space is used for wheelchairs They should stop when you ring the bell and give you time to get off All money going on taxis, can daycentre buses be used on evenings and at weekends? Or shared transport? They should wait until passengers sit down How to complain about bus drivers Elderly and disabled sign to say please give up their seat for them
Employment, Training and Volunteering Feedback Opportunity for office work I could never get a job due to my illness Only 6% of people with LD have jobs There should be more employment events like what Change did A bit of volunteer work Mencap staff left yesterday who helped us get jobs People need support Support people who are blind and deaf
Friendships and things to do feedback More people attending the friendship groups LD Cinema screening More people involved in the partnership board (Rota) I enjoy seeing my friends I enjoy coming to the peoples parliament I would like to go for more meals with my friends I like to go to gateway club and do activities My transport is organised for me to go to day service and meet my friends, without it I’d be lost Leep1 friendship group / keeping in touch / luv2meetU No arguing, lets stick together There should be more social events on a weekend for people with a disability We should have a choice to decide what we do on an evening More friendships, male & female Get rid of the 10pm deadline
Friendships and things to do feedback continued Go to restaurants, cinemas, theatre, 10 pin bowling If staff are off sick, things get cancelled Not enough money, or access to it Things to do during the day Club nights on a Saturday Staff support to see friends and girlfriends Sports support for people in wheelchairs We should have the chance to be with mates more than we are. Like friendship groups or more social evenings Having resources to find out what’s going on and where. Social media e.g. Facebook but not everyone accesses social media. Could events / evening activities be ed / posted? We should have the chance to be with mates more than we are. Like friendship groups or more social evenings
More flexible rotas Treat us like adults, not “kids” Get rid of the 10pm deadline Always short staffed, under funded, stressed staff Staff don’t always communicate with us or each other. If staff are off sick, things get cancelled Support plan goals never done, just moved from last plan to new one Staff support to see friends and girlfriends Sports support for people in wheelchairs People need support Support people with wheelchairs Support people who are blind and deaf People need support Support people with wheelchairs Support people who are blind and deaf Support feedback
Mandy Haigh & Chris Charlton talked about the activities at Leep1 Friendship Group Next one is a pamper evening 31 st March from 6- 9pm. Leep1 have responded to people saying they would like evening activities to socialise and make new friends. Cooking GroupWednesday 2-4pm People come to learn new skills and cook with friends Games DayTuesday Bingo, board games, cards, memory games and many more. Its lots of fun with prizes for the winners
Monthly Club Nights7-10pm Tiger Tiger or The Tetley gallery The nights are very popular and everyone enjoys themselves. Mandy and Chris asked who had been. Lots of people had been to the club nights. Some people leave early because there support ends before 10pm
Pass it on People Pass it on People talked to us about what they do. They are a group of people with learning disabilities. They meet every 2 weeks They share information with each other about what’s happening in Leeds for people with learning disabilities. They pass on what they have found out with people they know. They visit where people with learning disabilities work
Pass it on People would like you to tell them about what’s happening in Leeds We can - pass it on to people post it on Put it on our website put it on Facebook We can also come and visit your group
You can get in touch by - ringing Tania or Sarah ing or writing to - Connect in the North Bridge House Balm Road Hunslet Leeds LS10 2TP
The Pass it on People did a great presentation Sarah Wheatley then told us about Through the Maze and asked us if there was anything people wanted to find out about. We told Sarah we wanted to find out about courses and sport.
Support, what do you need? What is good? What could be better? We gave lots of feedback. Everyone had a lot to say because lots of people are depending on their support to be connected.
Lots of positive feedback Good We have fun, we have choice about what we want to do Without them I’d get stuck Very good staff who support people Very kind Friendly Helpful Talk to me They are fantastic! Make sure I am safe Show me how to do things Help other people if you need help Brilliant staff Very good support staff
Suggested improvements More people with a learning disability to be part of interview panels to choose staff Support staff can be very nosey Sometimes you are not told when your support has changed. They don’t communicate very well. More support to attend parties/events in the evening Some people try to talk over you. I don’t like that! Staff don’t do things for nothing anymore. More time for support workers to be out Sometimes I get help I just don’t want. Some things are private! I’m allowed secrets too! Leave me alone! I would like to have more trips out
More Suggested Improvements More staff at our house so we can do things as individuals, not as a group. Let people with a disability choose who they work with If people don’t need support, don’t force it Don’t communicate, support worker Don’t force people to do stuff More regular support Less temporary support Stick together Different support each day Don’t listen to people Easier access for wheelchair users Some staff finish earlier than they should
Thank you! After all that hard work we had lunch then went home. Thank you to everyone for their ideas and thoughts.