Jennifer VanNorman Annie MacKay Krishanna Harrison
The Truth About Math Anxieties Females have a higher number of math anxieties than males Math anxieties are a product of the environment. Math anxieties can be overcome with structured educational techniques presented in early childhood.
Overcoming the Anxieties Recognizing anxieties within the teacher will result in less anxieties in the students Teaching with a structure rather than just manipulative will result in less anxiety. Ensuring a good foundation in students use of “math facts” will create a positive learning environment through out math education.
Effectiveness of Classroom Management in Overcoming Math Anxieties Following Jacob Kounin’s Theories: -Focuses on preventive discipline -- techniques and strategies designed to prevent the occurrence of discipline problems in the first place. -Good classroom management depends on effective lesson management. Jacob Kounin’s Principles of Teaching: - Teachers need to be attentive to all aspects of the classroom. -Effective teachers keep students attentive and actively involved. -Teachers should be able to attend to two activities at the same time. -Activities should be enjoyable and challenging.
Jerry Cave Math Step 1: Speed round, called Speed-0. Step 2: Repetition. Step 3: Review-difficult math facts. Step 4: More repetition Step 5: Indy-500 round
Jerry Cave Math in a Nut Shell Description and how to use, ex. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division). Overview of handouts. Questions and Answers
References Azar, B. Math + Culture = Gender Gap? Cave, J. Jerry Cave Math Kounin, J. Classroom Management Theorist and Theories. Retrieved from g/wiki/Classroom_Management_T heorist_and_Theories.