Supervisory Behavior Continuum: Know Thyself Valid Self-Assessment Johari Window Cognitive Dissonance Self-Perceptions
Case Study 1 Teacher 1: Natalie Newbie Supervisory conference after observation. Natalie has three students who are creating major behavioral disturbances in her class. Your purpose is to help her with student discipline. Her purpose is to feel competent in her position, so she debates with you as you make suggestions.
Case Study 2: Teacher 2: Football Frank Supervisory conference after observation. Frank’s Social Studies class has gotten out of control. He leaves his student teacher without supervision while he coaches. Your Purpose: To ensure good instruction. Frank’s Purpose: To focus on coaching.
Case Study 3 Teacher 3: Preoccupied Pandora Supervisory conference after observation Pandora’s usual excellent teaching behavior has changed. She is late and unprepared. Her personal life has changed recently. Your purpose: Teacher support, excellent instruction. Pandora’s Purpose: To stay afloat.
Supervisory Behaviors: Purposeful Supervision: (Glickman, 1981, 2002) Listening: Supervisor looks at speaker, giving feedback to indicate understanding.
Supervisory Behaviors: Clarifying: Supervisor asks questions and makes statements to clarify speaker's point of view.
Supervisory Behaviors: Encouraging: Supervisor acknowledges responses that encourage speaker to continue.
Supervisory Behaviors: Reflecting: Supervisor summarizes and paraphrases the speaker's message.
Supervisory Behaviors: Presenting: Supervisor gives his or her own ideas about the issues being discussed.
Supervisory Behavior: Problem-Solving: Supervisor takes the initiative to generate a list of possible solutions.
Supervisory Behaviors: Negotiating: Supervisor moves the discussion from possible to probably solutions by discussing consequences.
Supervisory Behaviors: Directing: Supervisor tells the participant(s) what the choices are. .
Supervisory Behaviors: Standardizing: Supervisor sets the expected criteria and time for decision to be implemented. Target objectives are set. Expectations conveyed.
Supervisory Behaviors: Outcomes of Conference: Nondirective: Teacher self-plan. Collaborative: Mutual Plan Directive Informational: Supervisor-suggested plan. Directive Control: Supervisor-assigned plan.
Supervisory Behaviors: Johari Window Public Self Blind Private Known: Supervisor N/Known: Teachers Unknown Known: Teachers N/Known: Supervisor Known: Supervisor
Johari Window Public Self: Known to teachers Known to supervisor
Johari Window Blind Self: Known to teachers Not known to supervisor.
Johairi Window: Private Self: Not known to teachers Known to supervisor
Johari Window Unknown Self: Not known to teachers. supervisor.
Supervisory Behaviors: Cognitive Dissonance: Contradictory psychological evidence creates cognitive dissonance. (Festinger, 1957) Perceptions don't match contradictory evidence.
Supervisory Behaviors: Dismiss source of contrary evidence
Supervisory Behaviors: Change self-perception to conform to evidence
Supervisory Behaviors: Create behavioral change.