Subject: Optional of music Pupils: 17 pupils 4 th ESO (15/17 years) Activity: Creation and musical improvisations with images. WOMEN’S GAZES Process of the activity Research on women's images in works of art from different periods, styles, roles and ages (internet). Hands, faces, feet and eyes Women’s gazes. Pictures in the MNAC (Permanent Collection and temporary exhibition: Guests of Honour). Workshop of Sounds and pixels. Sound animation (Joan Miró Foundation) Choice of 26 images. Improvisation, creation by Miquel Lacasta with Improvise. Sound animation program by Kton and Cia. Assembly of images and music with Windows Movie Maker. Research songs with gazes as subject Bendita tu luz (Blessed BeYour Light) by Maná and Juan Luís Guerra. Selection of 52 images
Research on women's images in artworks from different periods, styles, roles and ages (internet).
Hands, Feet, Faces, Eyes women’s gaze
Pictures in the MNAC (Permanent Collection and temporary exhibition: Guests of Honour)
tp:// cioMiroTallerImprovisa?feat=directlink# Selection of 26 images (MNAC)
Workshop of Sounds and pixels. Sound animation (Joan Miró Foundation ) Choice of 26 images (MNAC). Creation, improvisation by Miquel Lacasta with the Improvises. Sound animation program by Kton and Cia and sounds of the speech made mada by Pau Casals at United Nations and his piece work: El cant dels ocells (Thes Song of Birds) Assembly of images and music with Windows Movie Maker Selection of 52 images (MNAC) Research songs with gazes as subject Bendita tu luz. (Blessed BeYour light) by Maná and Juan Luís Guerra. nda&search_type=&aq=f
National Museum of Catalonia Art (MNAC) Workshop of Sounds and pixels. Sound animation (Joan Miró Foundation) s.%20Animacions%20sonores s.%20Animacions%20sonores Improvisa. Animacions sonores program. Musicals Moments blog. WOMEN’S GAZES WOMEN’S GAZES. Improvise. Sound animation by Kton and Cia Miquel Lacasta Improvisation with the 26 selected images (MNAC), and sounds of the speech made by Pau Casals at United Nations and his piece of work: El Cant dels Ocells ( The Song of Birds). ch_type=&aq=f ch_type=&aq=f WOMEN’S GAZES. Bendita tu luz (Blessed Be Your Light ) by Maná i JuanLuís Guerra. Images and music assembly with Windows Movie Maker and 52 pictures (MNAC)