What is Propaganda? Political advertising “information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc.” (Dictionary.com)
What types of propaganda did the Nazis use? Posters and billboards Newspapers and magazines Radio Cinema Rallies and parades Nazi ideas taught in school curriculum Hitler Youth (for boys) League of German Maidens (for girls)
Dr. Joseph Goebbels Director of the Nazi Propaganda Ministry. Took control of all of Germany’s newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Any anti-Nazi communication was censored.
A Book Burning Ceremony Berlin, Germany – Opera Square – May 10, 1933 National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Md.
All Nazi propaganda communicated three main points: The Jews were the enemy of mankind, and should be destroyed. Communism should also be eradicated. The Aryan race (people of pure Germanic blood), led by Hitler, should conquer and enslave the Slavs of Eastern Europe and Russia.
Nazi Rally, 1937 (in color)
Nazism in Schools Newly-written textbooks taught students: Blind obedience to Nazi party Love for Hitler Anti-semitism Students celebrated Hitler’s birthday and the anniversary of his taking power. Students’ heads and noses were measured, and the color of their hair and eyes was documented to see if they belonged to the “true Aryan race.”
Sample Nazi-era math problem: “A bomber on takeoff carries 12 dozen bombs each weighing 10 kilos. The aircraft makes for Warsaw, the heart of international Jewry. It bombs the town. On takeoff, with all bombs on board and a fuel tank containing 1500 kilos of fuel, the aircraft weighs 8 tonnes. When it returns from the crusade there are still 230 kilos of fuel left. What is the weight of the aircraft when empty?”
Hitler Youth Hitler-Jugend (for boys) Bund Deutscher Mädel (for girls)
Hitler-Jugend (for boys) Founded in 1922 Under Hitler’s rule, it was THE ONLY leisure activity for children Taught boys to be hard working and obedient Taught strong feelings of nationalism and pride Convinced boys that they must do anything to help the German nation as a whole Military training – the best from Hitler Youth went on to be members of Hitler’s police, the SS, or German military
Bund Deutscher Mädel (for girls) Taught young girls their future roles in society: to mother more Germans Emphasized values of obedience, self-control, and discipline Taught women how to be “good” Nazi wives and mothers, and how to raise children with these ideals By 1939, 90 percent of children in Germany were members of the Hitler Youth
Speech at Hitler Youth Rally Excerpt from Triumph of the Will, a famous Nazi propaganda film by Leni Riefenstahl
Propaganda was used by all sides.
What do these images ask you to do?
What are these concerned about? Why?
And these? What do they want you to do?
Propaganda Assignment! Brainstorm a Bret Harte “cause” to support (HR2, a sports team, a fake club, an elective class, healthy choices…) You may work with a partner or alone Choose one of three forms of propaganda to advertise your cause: 1) a radio ad 2) a Public Service Announcement (video or acted out), or 3) a poster Your propaganda must be clear, convincing, attention-grabbing, and believable. If it is a poster, it must be colorful, attractive, and symbolic. Include headlines and slogans! If it is a radio/TV announcement, it will need to be written out and then performed aloud. Use persuasive word choice!
Propaganda Assignment Due Wednesday Brainstorm a Bret Harte “cause” to support (HR2, a sports team, a fake club, an elective class, healthy choices…) You may work with a partner or alone Choose one of three forms of propaganda to advertise your cause: 1) a radio ad 2) a Public Service Announcement (video or acted out), or 3) a poster Your propaganda must be clear, convincing, attention- grabbing, and believable. If it is a poster, it must be colorful, attractive, and symbolic. Include headlines and slogans! If it is a radio/TV announcement, it will need to be written out and then performed aloud. Use persuasive word choice!