ANIMATED (ADJ) (PART.) Full of life, lively, alive; moved to action. Syn: energetic, vigorous Ant: lifeless, dead, flat The animated child ran around the classroom for hours without getting tired.
BROOD (N) (V) A family of young animals, especially birds; any group having the same nature and origin; to think over in a worried, unhappy way. Syn: ponder, mediate, worry, agonize The mother bird fed her brood that was waiting for her in the nest. When the child did not get his way, he ended up brooding in the corner for over an hour!
CONSTITUENT (N) An essential part; a voter who elects a representative Syn: element, component The NY constituents are determined to vote for what is best for the state.
CULMINATE (V) To reach a high point of development; to end, climax Syn: conclude, terminate Ant: begin, initiate, kick off Our work with the book culminated in a project that asked us to discuss the important aspects of each chapter.
DOWNRIGHT (ADJ) (ADV) thoroughly; absolute, complete; frank, blunt Syn: total, out-and-out When the man knocked over his neighbor’s fence on purpose, the action can only be described as downright mean.
DRONE (N) (V) A loafer, idler; a buzzing or humming sound; a remote-control device; a male bee; to make a buzzing sound; to speak in a dull tone of voice. Syn: burn, do-nothing, hum, buzz, purr Ant: hard worker The man was such a light sleeper that even the drone of the washing machine would wake him up.
GOAD (V) (N) To drive or urge on; something used to drive or urge on Syn: prod, spur on Ant: curb, check, restrain The teacher had to goad the reluctant students to finish the essay.
HANKER (V) To long (for), to desire Syn: yearn For Christmas, I’m really hankering for new boots and an iPad.
INDULGE (V) To give in to a wish or desire, give oneself up to Syn: oblige, humor, coddle, pamper Ant: deny, refuse After a long day, I like to indulge with a piece of chocolate and some cookies.
LITERATE (ADJ) Able to read and write; showing an excellent educational background; having knowledge or training Syn: educated Ant: unlettered, ignorant The Harvard educated woman was considered very literate by members of her family that did not attend college.
LOOM (V) (N) To come into view; to appear in exaggerated form. A machine for weaving. Syn: emerge, surface, hover, tower The heavy sky loomed above us, signaling a storm to come.
LUSTER (N) The quality of giving off light, brightness, glitter Syn: gloss, sheen, shine Ant: tarnish, dullness The gold bracelet sparkled with its metallic luster.
MISCELLANEOUS (ADJ) Mixed, of different kinds Syn: varied, assorted, motley Ant: identical, uniform, homogeneous When cleaning the basement, we put all of the miscellaneous items, the ones that did not fit into a single category, into a red bin.
ORATION (N) A public speech for a formal occasion. Syn: Address The president is known for his articulate orations that address the country.
PEEVISH (ADJ) Cross, complaining, irritable; contrary Syn: crabby, testy, stubborn Ant: agreeable, amiable, even-tempered, pleasant The students became peevish after the teacher assigned five hours of homework.
SEETHE (V) To boil or foam; to be excited or disturbed. Syn: churn, simmer, stew The angry parent seethed with rage when the child refused to pick up the crayons on the floor.
SINGE (V) (N) To burn slightly A burn at the ends or edges. Syn: Scorch, char Ant: incinerate The book was singed when the pages touched the candle.
UNIQUE (ADJ) One of a kind; unequaled; unusual; found only in a given class, place or situation. Syn: unparalleled, distinctive Ant: ordinary, commonplace, run-of-the-mill The gemstone was so unique that the jeweler had never seen anything like it.
UPRIGHT (ADJ) Vertical, straight; good, honest. In a vertical position. Syn: perpendicular, virtuous Ant: horizontal, prone, dishonest, corrupt. One of the goals of the Boy Scouts is to raise upright citizens.
VERIFY (V) To establish the truth or accuracy of, confirm. Syn: prove, validate, substantiate Ant: disprove, discredit It was the detective’s job to verify the suspect’s story.