1 Health2016.globalchange.gov THE IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON HUMAN HEALTH IN THE UNITED STATES: A SCIENTIFIC ASSESSMENT Health2016.globalchange.gov Presenter’s Name Affiliation Event – date
2 Health2016.globalchange.gov Lead Author Neal Fann, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Contributing Authors Terry Brennan, Camroden Associates, Inc. Patrick Dolwick, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Janet L. Gamble, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Vito Ilacqua, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Laura Kolb, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Christopher G. Nolte, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Tanya L. Spero, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Lewis Ziska, U.S. Department of Agriculture Contributors AIR QUALITY IMPACTS 3
3 Health2016.globalchange.gov Exacerbated Ozone Health Impacts Key Finding 1: Climate change will make it harder for any given regulatory approach to reduce ground-level ozone pollution in the future as meteorological conditions become increasingly conducive to forming ozone over most of the United States [Likely, High Confidence]. Unless offset by additional emissions reductions of ozone precursors, these climate-driven increases in ozone will cause premature deaths, hospital visits, lost school days, and acute respiratory symptoms [Likely, High Confidence]. AIR QUALITY IMPACTS 3
4 Health2016.globalchange.gov Increased Health Impacts from Wildfires Key Finding 2: Wildfires emit fine particles and ozone precursors that in turn increase the risk of premature death and adverse chronic and acute cardiovascular and respiratory health outcomes [Likely, High Confidence]. Climate change is projected to increase the number and severity of naturally occurring wildfires in parts of the United States, increasing emissions of particulate matter and ozone precursors and resulting in additional adverse health outcomes [Likely, High Confidence]. AIR QUALITY IMPACTS 3
5 Health2016.globalchange.gov Worsened Allergy and Asthma Conditions Key Finding 3: Changes in climate, specifically rising temperatures, altered precipitation patterns, and increasing concentrations of atmospheric carbon dioxide, are expected to contribute to increases in the levels of some airborne allergens and associated increases in asthma episodes and other allergic illnesses [High Confidence]. AIR QUALITY IMPACTS 3
6 Health2016.globalchange.gov Confidence/Likelihood Terminology
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8 Health2016.globalchange.gov AIR QUALITY IMPACTS 3
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11 Health2016.globalchange.gov To view the full report: health2016.globalchange.gov health2016.globalchange.gov Recommended Citation: Fann, N., T. Brennan, P. Dolwick, J.L. Gamble, V. Ilacqua, L. Kolb, C.G. Nolte, T.L. Spero, and L. Ziska, 2016: Ch. 3: Air Quality Impacts. The Impacts of Climate Change on Human Health in the United States: A Scientific Assessment. U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, 69–98. This report is in the public domain. Some materials in the report are copyrighted and permission was granted for their publication in this report. For subsequent uses that include such copyrighted materials, permission for reproduction must be sought from the copyright holder. In all cases, credit must be given for copyrighted materials. All other materials are free to use with credit to this report. AIR QUALITY IMPACTS 3