F. Phylum Molluska: Clams, Snail and Squid
1. Characteristics: Soft body, most have shells a)Bilateral symmetry b)Most marine, many fresh water, some terrestrial c)Have true hearts with chambers and valves d)Octopuses have a true brain and image forming eyes e) Body Plan in three sections 1)Head foot- contains mouth and sensory organs as well as the foot and other motor organs 2)Visceral Mass- contains digestive, excretory and reproductive organs 3)Mantle- membrane around visceral mass that secretes the shell and holds the respiratory organs
2. Body Plan a) Class Pelecypoda (Clams, Oysters, Scallops)
b) Class Gastropoda: (Snails and Slugs) c) Class Cephalopoda (Squid and Octopus)
3. Ecological Roles a)Important food source for man b)Source of jewelry c)Land snails can destroy crops d)Octopuses are predatory
G. Echinoderms (Starfish, Sand dollar & Sea Urchins)
1. Characteristics a)Radial Symmetry- usually 5 sides b)Spiny skin c)Endoskeleton of limy plates d)Water Vascular system of tube feet
2. Body Plan Eyespot Ring Canal Radial Canal Tube Feet Digestive glands Stomach Anus
Body Plan Water Vascular System Section Through an Arm
3. Ecological Role a)Major predator of Mollusks b)Menace to aquaculturists c)Can prey on and destroy coral reefs d)Embryology resembles vertebrates more than invertebrates
H. Phylum Arthropoda: Spiders, Crayfish, Centipedes, Millipedes and Insects
1. Characteristics a)Jointed appendages- legs or other extensions b) Exoskeleton 1)Made of Chitin 2)Must be shed for growth in a process called molting 3)Chitin is heavy, so arthropods must remain small c)Segmented bodies 1)Insects have 3 segments: head, thorax and abdomen 2)Spiders have 2 segments: cephalothorax & abdomen 3)Centipedes and millipedes have many segments d)Circulatory system is open with a long dorsal tube serving as the heart e)Respiration by gills, book lung or spiracles- holes in the exoskeleton which lead to tracheal tubes
2. Classification (5 Major Classes) a) Arachnids- spiders, scorpions, ticks, mites and horseshoe crabs
b) Class Crustacea- Crayfish, lobster, crab, shrimp and barnacles
c) Class Chilopoda- Centipedes d) Class Diplopoda- Millipedes
e) Class Insecta- Grasshoppers, termites, beetles, flies, ants, moths & bugs
1) Characteristics 3 body segments 3 sets of legs Head with antennae and compound eyes Gas exchange through spiracles and tracheal tubes 2) Insect Development Egg Larva (feeds) Pupa (cocoon) Adult
3) Insect Behavior
a) Social Insects: Ants, bees, wasps and termites Show division of labor. I.e. each group in the colony performs a different function
b) Communication Pheromones- chemical smell that the queen uses to attract drones to mate Waggle dance- series of movements which indicates the direction and distance of a food source to other workers
Mimicry The viceroy butterfly resembles the foul tasting monarch c) Defense
Mimicry This is not a bee…..its a fly This is not an ant…..its a spider….count the legs
Camouflage: Can you find the insects?
Camouflage Can you find the spiders?