H AGFISH Class: Agnatha Scientific name: Myxine glutinosa Common name: Hagfish Habitat: bottoms of bodies of water
H AGFISH CONTINUED Jawless Skeleton: cartilage Lack a stomachs Gill slits: 7 pairs Eyes: Light sensitive No fins Favorite food: fish-living or dead Body color: pink Blood: cold Number of heart chambers: 2 Fertilization: external
B LUE - SPOTTED R AY Class: Chodricthyes Scientific name: Taeniura lymma. Scientific name was changed from Raja lymma Common name: Blue-spotted ray or bluespotted ribbontail ray Habitat: Ocean
B LUE - SPOTTED R AY CONTINUED Blood: cold Number of heart chambers: 4 Fertilization: external Skeleton: cartilage Unpaired dorsal fins Favorite food: crustaceans Dorsal fins are unpaired
A NGELFISH Class: Osteichthyes Scientific name: Pterophyllum scalare Common name: Royal Angelfish Habitat: Ocean or fresh water
A NGELFISH C ONTINUED Blood: Cold Number of heart chambers: 3 Fertilization: External Skeleton: bony Fins: lobe or ray Teeth: none on the edge of the mouth Favorite food: smaller fish
B LUE P OISON DART FROG Class: Amphibia Scientific name: Dendrobates azureus Common name: Poison dart frog Habitat: moist conditions, land or water
B LUE POISON DART FROG CONTINUED Blood: cold Number of heart chambers: 3 Fertilization: external Skin: smooth on frogs Has a skull 4 legs Lungs Favorite food: spiders, ants, termites, other small insects Secrete poison through skin
E ASTERN BOX TURTLE Class: Reptila Scientific name: Terrapene carolina Common name: Eastern box turtle Habitat: land or water
E ASTERN BOX TURTLE CONTINUED Blood: cold Number of heart chambers: 3 (4 in crocodile) Fertilization: internal Scales Lungs, cant breath under water Hinged jaw that can expand to swallow prey Favorite food: snails, insects, berries, fungi, slugs, worms, roots, flowers, fish, frogs, salamanders, snakes, and birds
F LAMINGO Class: Aves Scientific name: Phoenicopterus chilensis Common name: Flamingo Habitat: depends on bird, can be land or water
F LAMINGO CONTINUED Blood: warm Number of heart chambers: 3 Fertilization: external Special scales: feathers Hallow bones Beaks Some can’t fly Some migrate Favorite food: seeds, blue-green algae, crustaceans, and mollusks filtered out of water
C HINCHILLA Class: Mammalia Scientific name: Chinchilla brevicaudata or Chinchilla lanigera Common name: Chinchilla Habitat: land and water
C HINCHILLA CONTINUED Blood: warm Number of heart chambers: 3 Fertilization: internal Hair Give birth to live young Mammary glands Coats often change during the year Favorite food: plants, fruit, seeds, and small insects