DEVIANCE IN THE INDUSTRIAL SOCIETY How does an industrial society defend itself against deviants?
Deviance in a industrial society is behavior that those in control of that society see as threatening to their interests The rich and powerful use their positions to determine which acts are deviant and the deviants should be punished
Race, Ethnicity and Crime Proponents of the Conflect Perspective argue that minorities receive unequal treatment *Af. Americans/Latinos are dealt with more harshly than whites *More likely to be found guilty *Sentences when found guilty are longer Why do you think?
Reasons for differences ■Poor cannot afford the best lawyers ■Crimes against whites tend to be punished more severely than against minorities ■Victim Discounting (Less valuable people/less punishment) E4
White Collar Crime ■Crime is an act in violation of statue law ■Our society has over 4000 federal crimes ■18.7 million people experienced one or more crimes in 2010 ■African Americans were more likely to be victims of violent crimes ■2/3 of crimes go unreported
Juvenile Crime ■Legal violations among those under 18 ■Between 1994 to 2009, juvenile crime fell by 52.6 percent ■68% male/32% Why do you think violent crime declined amongst the younger generation?
Decline of Juvenile Crime ■Decline of the demand for crack cocaine ■Juvenile defendants have been given stiffer sentences ■Police have reduced illegal guns
Approaches to Crime Control ■Criminal Justice system has four approaches to control and punish lawbreakers –Deterrence –Retribution –Incarceration –Rehabilitation
Deterrence: discouraging criminal acts by threatening punishment ■Punishing convicted criminals will serve as an example to keep other people from crime ■1976, the death penalty was reinstated. Unlike other crimes 77% white, 15% black, 7% latino ■Murder rates drop or remain the same after death penalties are outlawed in a country
Retribution: punishment intended to make criminals pay compensation for their acts ■Based upon “Eye for an Eye” ■However, it must be a designated individual to enforce the punishment ■The injured does not get personal vengence
Incarceration: a method of protecting society from criminals by keeping them in prison. ■We have increased this type of punishment ■Three Strikes Law ■1995, we had 1.6 million in prisons and in 2010 we had 2.2 million 4
Rehabilitation: the process of changing or reforming a criminal through socialization ■Half of prisoners released from prison return in 3 to 5 years (Recidivism) ■A combination of prison and probation ■Community based programs ■Diversion strategy (Community program vs Prison) ■However, people are against these programs mOI
Other methods of Dealing with Antisocial Behavior ■Restitution – Paying back the individual ■Community Service ■Education (actually teaching convicts skills) ■Therapy