1 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt 10 pt 15 pt 20 pt 25 pt 5 pt Economic Terms Map Terms5 ThemesM1M2
2 To trade
3 Barter
4 When a waiter takes your order at a restaurant it is known as…
5 Service
6 What is the making, buying, and selling of goods and services called?
7 Economics
8 When an individual or company focuses on doing one task.
9 Specialization
10 The term used to describe when there is limited resources.
11 Scarcity
12 What device on a map helps you determine direction?
13 Compass Rose
14 Symbols on a map are explained in the…
15 Legend/Key
16 Maps that help you to see landforms and bodies of water.
17 Physical Maps
18 What device is used to determine distance on a map?
19 Scale
20 These types of maps show features that humans have created on Earth’s surface.
21 Political Maps
22 The way people, goods, and ideas travel from place to place is known as?
23 Movement
24 This theme describes where places are at on the earth.
25 Location
26 A group of places with common features. (Ex: Latin America)
27 Region
28 This theme is defined by its unique characteristics.
29 Place
30 This theme describes how the environment and people interact.
31 Human Environment Interaction
32 Lines that show distances east and west of the Prime Meridian.
33 Longitude Lines
34 Name the theme that explains an exact location on earth.
35 Absolute Location
36 The positive gain after subtracting for all expenses.
37 Profit
38 The imaginary line that shows distances north and south of the equator.
39 Latitude Lines
40 Anyone who makes or grows a good or performs a service.
41 Producer
42 Government power is limited by the people.
43 Limited Government
44 An economy where companies compete against each other for business.
45 Market Economy
46 Money that the government collects from individuals and businesses to pay for public goods and services.
47 Taxes
48 A person who comes up with a product or service, or a better way to produce one.
49 Entrepreneur
50 Government has unlimited power or control.
51 Unlimited Government