RISE Proposal
Acronym: JEPIF: Japan-Europe Physics at Intensity Frontier ??? Merge WP 1 & 3 ? – Sell as cross-fertilization and networking of flavour and neutrino physics – Strengthen connection among different groups to tackle common problem – Take a global look at how new physics can show up in different phenomena – Point at uniqueness of Japan infrastructure
Global comments – following RISE scheme 2. Excellence 2.1 Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research (including inter/multidisciplinary aspects) Specific objectives and the relevance of the research and innovation project to the scope of the call and in relation to the "state of art". – Intensity frontier as fundamental discovery tool, complementary to LHC. Innovation in accelerator, detector, data analysis Methodological approach highlighting the types of research and innovation activities proposed and their originality. - Extreme accuracy in measurements, made possible by beyond- state-of the art detector technology and data analysis techniques. Inter/multidisciplinary types of knowledge involved, if applicable. - Applicability of advanced detector and analysis techniques to other fields (industries ?)
2.2Clarity and quality of knowledge sharing among the participants in light of the research and innovation objectives Approach and methodology used for knowledge sharing. – Common activity in working groups – Organization of workshops and conferences (maybe mention the theory-experiment platform in development for Belle-II? ) 2.3 Quality of the interaction between the participating organisations Contribution of each participant in the activities planned, including the participants' interactions in terms of content and expertise provided to reach the project’s objectives. Justification of the main networking activities. -- it is not easy to explain the added value of the RISE project wrt the existing collaborations. Why do we need the RISE, what does it bring more than what exists already ?
3. Impact 3.1Enhancing research- and innovation-related human resources, skills, and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives The research and/or innovation project contribution to realising the potential of individuals providing new skills and career perspectives. - Development of a global work environment; development collaboration skills, not only within european countries, but also with Japan; come in contact with a different culture and open the perspective of careers in Japan. 3.2To develop new and lasting research collaborations, to achieve transfer of knowledge between research institutions and to improve research and innovation potential at the European and global levels Development of new and lasting research collaborations resulting from the intersectoral and/or international secondments and the networking activities implemented. - The collaboration perspective has long term horizon, with running and analysis that extends well beyond the limit of the project Self-sustainability of the partnership after the end of the project. Contribution of the project to the improvement of the research and innovation potential within Europe and/or worldwide. 3.3Effectiveness of the proposed measures for communication and results dissemination Dissemination strategy - targeted at scientists, potential users and to the wider research and innovation community - to achieve the potential impact of the project. Communication strategy, outreach plan and the activities envisaged to engage the public. Expected impact of the proposed measures. - ???
Flavour (+neutrino?) physics WP Scientific motivation (excellence) – BSM particles leave traces in low energy process that can be detected at high intensity (intensity frontier) – Flavour physics is an essential tool to explore new, uncharted, physics territory, complementary to LHC-based research. – SuperKEKB and Belle-II offer unique opportunities that do not exist in any other place (advantage for Europe) (same for T2K)
WP1 goals ? No specific physics results can of course be promised Reasonable goals could be – Knowledge sharing, on specific physics channels LFV; rare B decays; CP viol in charm, ….. – Organization of international analysis working groups, that could then perform the analyses – Organization of the analysis computing infrastructure allowing global analyses to be performed – Training of young physicists
SVD + PXD The goal is to install and commission the detector so that it has optimal performance – Not easy since it is beyond state of the art Added value of secondment is to perform essential knowledge exchange: – Expertise on sensors, electronics, mechanical support, cooling from Europe (do we need to specify who’s who ?) – Expertise on installation, background estimation, grounding from Japan. Collaboration has a lasting value and can be used to apply techniques to other fields – ??