The Northeast Region Of The United States by:Anurag Raychowdhury
Mid Atlantic states are Pennsylvania,Delaware,New Jeresy,New York and Maryland. Northeast States
The climate in the northeast is hot in the summer and cool in the winter.It has all the seasons. Climate
New England is the smallest region and has Maine,Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusets,Rhode Island and Conneticut Northeast States
Appalachian pocono Allegheny Adrionack catskill White Green Northeast Region’s Mountain Chain
Whale watching mining logging fishing farming Northeast Region’s Industry
The north east is the third largest population. New York City has 7million people so imagine how many people there are in the north east together! Population
Many natural resources/ Potatoes, cranberries, syrup, corn and sea animals Natural Resources
Cars trains bus subway ship airplane Transportation
Thesee are facts on the northeast region. Hope you enjoyed.