À Paris lundi le 12 avril Learning Objective: To learn more about Parisian culture and lifestyle
Learning Outcomes: By the end of the lesson… You will have increased your knowledge of Paris and its monuments. You will have worked in groups to share and find out information. You will have completed a quiz. You will have begun work on a Paris Project.
How many monuments/places in Paris can you recognise? Use your whiteboards to record your answers…you have 5 minutes!
le louvre
les Champs Elysées
l’Arc de Triomphe
le Moulin Rouge
la Seine
la Bastille
le Sacré Coeur
la tour Eiffel
le château de Versailles
la place de la Concorde
Notre Dame
Work in your groups to try and answer the following questions about Paris.
Question 1: How many people live in Paris? The last census carried out in 1999 showed that the population of the whole of Paris (including the suburbs) was just over 2 million!
Question 2: Paris is divided into how many districts? These are called ‘arrondissements’ and are numbered 1 to 20. I used to live in number 11!
Question 3: What is the name of the river that divides Paris into two halves? There are 37 bridges over the River Seine just within Paris and dozens more spanning the river outside of the city.
Question 4: How many museums are there in Paris? Including one of the most famous and most visited museums in the World, the Louvre.
Question 5: In what year did the construction of the Eiffel Tower begin? And it took 2 years, 2 months and 5 days to complete!
Question 6: Name the famous shopping street in Paris which has the Arc de Triomphe at one end. It is known as one of the busiest streets in Paris.
Question 7: Name as many famous landmarks in Paris as possible…you have 5 minutes.
Question 8: Name the famous Parisian football team. About 11% of the population of France support PSG.
Question 9: The building which is now the Orsay museum was originally built for which purpose? It’s platforms became too short for the new longer trains that were starting to be used so in 1977 the French government decided to convert it into a museum.
Question 10: How many stairs are there in the Eiffel Tower? Only the first and second levels are accessible by steps to get to the summit you must take a lift.
Group Task Use the post-it notes to write down any facts you can remember about Paris. Try to cover one side of the A3 paper.
Individual Task Try to label the Parisian monuments you have seen today (and some you haven’t!): Le château de Versailles La Grande Arche de la Défense La tour EiffelNotre Dame Le Sacré CoeurLe LouvreLe Moulin RougeL’Arc de Triomphe La BastilleLa Place de la Concorde La SeineLes Champs Elysées
PARIS PROJECT In your groups you must now begin to plan an information sheet about one of the famous Parisian monuments. You will have 3 lessons to research, prepare and present your findings to the rest of the group.