Planet Earth.


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Presentation transcript:

Planet Earth

And then there was...Earth The “Big Bang Theory” is the most widely accepted theory on how the Earth came into being.

The Big Bang Theory It states that the universe began forming 15 to 20 billion years ago, following an enormous explosion. The dust and gas created as a result of the explosion were drawn together by gravitational attraction to form a huge cloud.

The Big Bang Theory The debris in this gigantic swirling cloud began to gather in circular movements called eddies. The largest eddies contained enough matter to form whole galaxies.

From Nothing to Us! The instantaneous event, or Big Bang, is the point at which our time clock started. Before this there were no galaxies; there were not even atoms!

Origin of the Big Bang The Big Bang theory originated in the 1930’s based on Hubble’s Law that the universe is expanding. From this it was concluded that the universe must have started out very small and has been expanding outward ever since.

Big Bang Timeline Assignment Using long blank white paper create a “cosmic” timeline of the Big Bang. Place the information found on page 509 in your text book on a timeline. Begin your timeline at time zero and move forward from there. At each time instant include what events happened at that point. Use colour and make it look nice!!