MOON VOCABULARY Axis: The imaginary line that passes through Earth’s center and the North and South poles. Rotation: The spinning of Earth on its axis. Revolution: The movement of one object around another.
MOON VOCABULARY Orbit: The path one object takes around another. Synchronous Rotation: When an object takes the same time to complete one rotation and one full revolution.
APPARENT MOTION OF OBJECTS IN THE SKY Planetary bodies appear to move East > West (Sun and moon rise in the E and set in the W) This is because the earth rotates from West > East
MOON VOCABULARY Gravity: a force that attracts all objects to each other Inertia: the tendency of an object to resist a change in motion (ex: when brakes are hit quickly in a car and your body wants to keep moving forward)
MOON VOCABULARY Waxing: Getting bigger moving from new to full Waning: Getting smaller. moving from full to new
MOON VOCABULARY Crescent: A moon that is less than half lit. Gibbous: A moon that is more than half lit.
MOON VOCABULARY First Quarter: A half lit moon, moving from new to full. Last Quarter: A half lit moon, moving from full to new. (last quarter moon)
If the lit part of the moon is on the right, it is waxing. If the lit part of the moon is on the left, it is waning.
MOON VOCABULARY Full Moon: A moon that is fully lit. New Moon: The moon when it is completely dark.
MOON VOCABULARY Eclipse: A blocking of light caused by the passage of one object between a source of light and another object.
MOON VOCABULARY Solar Eclipse: Occurs when the moon moves between the sun and earth, partially or fully blocking the sun. There are 2-5 solar eclipses a year.
SOLAR ECLIPSE FACTS If the Moon were in a perfectly circular orbit and a little closer to the Earth, there would be total solar eclipses every single month. However, the Moon's orbit is tilted at more than 5 o to the Earth's orbit around the Sun
MOON VOCABULARY Lunar Eclipse: Occurs when the earth moves between the sun and moon. There are at least 2 lunar eclipses every year. Less common than solar eclipses
LUNAR ECLIPSE FACTS A lunar eclipse may be viewed from anywhere on the night side of the Earth because the Earth’s shadow is so large. Must be a full moon. A lunar eclipse lasts for a few hours, a total solar eclipse last for only a few minutes.