1 Housing FY 2014 Sources - $ million Section 8 Rental Assistance Fund$ million Workforce Investment Act Fund$ million Community Dev. Block Grant Fund$ million Supportive Housing Fund$ million Shelter Plus Care Fund$ million General Fund$ million Home Investment Partnership Fund$ million Housing Successor Fund$ million Housing Debt Service Fund$ million HOPWA Fund$ million Emergency Shelter Grant Fund$ million MASH Fees For Services Fund$ million Inclusionary Housing Trust Fund$ million Human Services Endowment Fund$ million FY 2014 Sources and Uses
2 Housing FY 2014 Uses - $ million Personnel$ million Services/Supplies $ million Equipment $ million Internal Service Charges$ million Debt Service$ million Transfers Out (Successor Agency Tab) $ million FY 2014 Sources and Uses
3 Housing Budget History By Division or Major Budget Area
4 Housing FY 2014 Key Issues and Strategies Key Issues Sequestration Cuts Strategies Implement rental subsidy cost saving measures short of increasing rents and terminating vouchers, then apply for new HUD set-aside funding to fill any deficit. Hold vacant City Service Worker Career Services positions. Seek new funding sources for Career Services.
5 Housing FY 2014 Key Issues and Strategies Key Issues Increase Employment Opportunities Strategies Outreach to local businesses to inform them of Career Services resources including cash assistance On the Job Training funds. Dedicated job developer to work with MASH trainees to find permanent employment outside of City government.
6 Housing FY 2014 Key Issues and Strategies Key Issues Loss of housing funds due to dissolution of redevelopment Strategies Strengthen and protect the Inclusionary Housing Ordinance. Advocate for more LA County funding. Support adoption of key State legislation including SB 391 and AB 1229.
7 Housing FY 2014 Key Issues and Strategies Key Issues Move key projects towards completion Strategies Secure low income housing tax credits for Heritage Square North and Mar Vista Apts. Issue RFP’s for Heritage Square South and Concord Apts. Close Section 108 Loan for Robinson Park.
8 Housing Further sequestration cuts in Federal funding. State denial of ROPS funding request for management of housing assets. Reduced debt service burden with payoff of CalHFA loan. New part-time Job Developer to assist placement of MASH participants in permanent jobs. Significant Changes From FY 2013 Budget