News on Mechanical Design Dirk Wiedner July 2012 7/4/20121Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich.


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Presentation transcript:

News on Mechanical Design Dirk Wiedner July /4/20121Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich

Mu3e Configuration Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich2 Conical target Inner double layer o 12 and 18 stripes of 1 x 12 cm o 128 x 256 pixels per sensor Outer double layer o 24 and 28 stripes of 2 x 36 cm o 256 x 256 pixels per sensor Re-curl layers o 24 and 28 stripes of 4 x 36 cm o Both sides (x2) o 256 x 256 pixels per sensor 5 x Same silicon detectors 7/4/2012

Tools Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich3 Kapton-Frame tools o Teflon prism o 1 st layer prototype done o 2 nd layer prototype done Sensor on Flex print o Gluing groove o Vacuum lift Tools are tested with o 25 μm Kapton foil o 50 μm glass 7/4/2012

Tools Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich4 Kapton-Frame tools o Teflon prism o 1 st layer prototype done o 2 nd layer prototype done Sensor on Flex print o Gluing groove o Vacuum lift Tools are tested with o 25 μm Kapton foil o 50 μm glass 7/4/2012

Central Outer Tracker Tools Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich5 Tools for assembly of outer two layers o Design advanced o Production from next week Modular design o Modules of 4 sides o 6 modules in layer 3 o 7 modules in layer 4 o Hinge for rotation between sides 7/4/2012

Inner Double Layer Prototype Reminder Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich67/4/2012

Inner Double Layer Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich7 Very stable self supporting structure 7/4/2012

Inner Double Layer Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich8 Spokes give extra stiffness 7/4/2012

Inner Double Layer Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich9 25 μm Kapton frame + 25 μm Kapton strip + 50 μm glass 7/4/2012

Outer Central Tracker Prototype News Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich107/4/2012

Outer Central Tracker Design Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich11 Minimal material in sensitive region 7/4/2012

Outer Central Tracker Design Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich12 4 flex prints per modules 7/4/2012

End Pieces Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich13 6 plus 7 modules per layer 7/4/2012

End Pieces Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich14 End pieces for modules o PVC o PEEK in future? Production done 7/4/2012

Frame Support 15 Support design light weight o Spokes combine all separate modules o Connected by metal beams o … running in bushings Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich Beam pipe Spokes 7/4/2012

Frame Support 16 Support design light weight o Spokes combine all separate modules o Connected by metal beams o … running in bushings Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich7/4/2012

Spoke Assembly Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich177/4/2012

Spoke Assembly Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich187/4/2012

Schedule Upcoming activities o Large HVMAPS prototype submission 31July 2012 o Bonding and thinning tests (?) Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich19 Recent activities o Inner layer Prototypes Done o Outer Layer Prototypes Production started o Flex print layout Needs update 7/4/2012

Summary 20 Si-Tracker based on 4 layers o Inner doublet o Outer doublet o Outer layers extended for back curlers Active region supported by Kapton/Flex print Inner double prototype ready Outer doublet prototype production started Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich7/4/2012

Backup Slides Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich217/4/2012

Outer doublet design Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich22 Design well advanced 7/4/2012

Outer Central Tracker Design Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich23 Modular design 7/4/2012

Si-Layer properties Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich24 Radiation length per layer o 2x 25 μm Kapton X 0 = 1.75e-4 o 15 μm thick aluminum traces (50% coverage) X 0 = 8.42e-5 o 50 μm Si MAPS X 0 = 5.34e-4 o 10 μm adhesive X 0 = 2.86e-5 Sum: 8.22e-4 (x4 layers) o For Θ min = 22.9◦ o X 0 = 21.1e-4 layer 1 layer 2 layer 3 layer 4 Back Curl layers 7/4/2012

Challenges 25 Wire-bonding o Both flex print and sensor are thin o Relies on solidity of metal base o Must be done prior to assembly on Kapton frame Handling delicate Sensor thinning o HV-CMOS can be thinned to 75 μm by AMS o 50 μm aimed for Custom service required o 37.5 μm possible (?) R&D required Possibly thinning is done at HD? Dirk Wiedner Mu3e meeting Zurich7/4/2012