1 Update on the project - selected topics - Valeria Bartsch, Martin Postranecky, Matthew Warren, Matthew Wing University College London.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Update on the project - selected topics - Valeria Bartsch, Martin Postranecky, Matthew Warren, Matthew Wing University College London

2 Content: Introduction UCL activities test beams - analysis and data taking DAQ - on the way to a technical prototype

3 Members of the Collaboration 3 regions 12 countries 41 institutes > 200 physicists

4 Technical prototypes Various technologies Can be only partially equipped Appropriate shapes (wedges) for ILC detectors All bells and whistles (cooling, integrated supplies…) Detailed test program in particle beams Goals of the Collaboration To provide a basis for choosing a calorimeter technology for the ILC detectors To measure electromagnetic and hadronic showers with unprecedented granularity To design, build and test ILC calorimeter prototypes To advance calorimeter technologies and our understanding of calorimetry in general Physics prototypes Various technologies (silicon, scintillator, gas) Large cubes (1 m 3 HCALs) Not necessarily optimized for an ILC calorimeter Detailed test program in particle beams

5 PFAs and Calorimetry Particles in jets Fraction of energyMeasured with Resolution [  2 ] Charged65 %TrackerNegligible Photons25 %ECAL with 15%/√E E jet Neutral Hadrons10 %ECAL + HCAL with 50%/√E E jet Confusion ≤ (goal) 18%/√E Maximize segmentation of the calorimeter readout O(<1 cm 2 ) in the ECAL O(~1 cm 2 ) in the HCAL ~O(10 7 – 10 8 ) channels for entire ILC calorimeter YES! Fact Particle Flow Algorithms improve energy resolution compared to calorimeter measurement alone (see ALEPH, CDF, ZEUS…) How do they work? Minimize confusion term High segmentation The real challenge Can PFAs achieve the ILC goal?

6 Content: Introduction UCL activities test beams - analysis and data taking DAQ - on the way to a technical prototype

7 CALICE Test Beam Activities UK + ECAL run coordinator from RHUL Physics prototype 3 structures with different W thicknesses 30 layers; 1 x 1 cm 2 pads 12 x 18 cm 2 instrumented in 2006 CERN tests about 6480 readout channels TCMT AHCAL ECAL

8 CALICE Test Beam Activities summary of data taking:  +,  -, e +, e -, p: GeV with position scans angles from even accidents could not stop the testbeam success Example from 2006 data: longitudinal shower profile

9 Content: Introduction UCL activities test beams - analysis and data taking DAQ - on the way to a technical prototype

10 DAQ architecture Slab hosts VFE chips DIF connected to Slab LDA servicing DIFs LDAs read out by ODR PC hosts ODR, through PCIexpress C&C routes clock, controls

11 Single Event Upsets (SEUs): principle sensitive volume critical energy particles depositing high amount of energy can change state of electronics the probability of a single event upset (SEU) depends on the deposited energy

12 SEUs: main backgrounds machine backgrounds:  -> hadrons: events/h pair production:10 7 events/h physics backgrounds: QCD events: 10 7 events/h tt and WW:10 3 events/h  10 6 ,p,n hitting FPGAs  depending on the FPGA type chosen: SEUs/h for the whole ECAL 1 SEU in the ECAL every 14 min - 12 hours

13 Conclusion: test beams: 2006 analysis needs to be finalised, 2007 analysis not yet started, challenging program for 2008/2009 DAQ: at the moment only components ready, need to be integrated to a whole system by 2008 SEU study finished, does not suggest major obstacle not mentioned: optical switch: bought and basic tests performed DAQ software: in development

14 Merry Christmas & a happy new year 2008