STATUS AND PHYSICS GOALS OF KM3NET Paolo Piattelli P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia INFN – LNS, Catania (Italy)
Physics with high-energy neutrinos P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia VHE gamma-rays are absorbed by dust and radiation and do not disentangle between leptonic and hadronic mechanisms Directions of charged cosmic rays scrambled by magnetic fields Neutrinos can provide unperturbed information on the sources gamma rays protons E>10 19 eV (100 Mpc) protons E<10 19 эВ neutrino Particle accelerator
The KM3NeT sky P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia th Sensitivity for up-going neutrinos From Mediterranean 24h per day visibility up to about δ = -50° KM3NeT complements the IceCube field of view KM3NeT observes a large part of the sky (~3.5 )
The KM3NeT design P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Detection unit (DU) – vertical slender string with multi-PMT digital optical modules (DOMs) Each DU 18 multi-PMT DOMs supported by two parallel ropes Power and data distributed by a single backbone cable with breakouts at DOMs Vertical distances between DOMs = 36 m Lowest DOM at 100 m above the seabed Total height of the DU ~700 m Six building blocks of 115 DUs each, allow for a distributed detector
KM3NeT multi-site concept P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia detectors, each ~2km 3 in 3 sites KM3NeT-France: Toulon (depth ~ 2500m) KM3NeT-Italy: Capo Passero (depth ~ 3500m) KM3NeT-Greece: Pylos (depth ~ 4500m) Same technical design at all sites Common hardware, data handling and operation control Centrally managed Node for marine science at each installation site
The Digital Optical Module 31 3” PMTs with reflectors in 17-inch glass sphere (cathode area ~3x10” PMTs) 19 in lower, 12 in upper hemisphere Suspended by support structure 31 PMT bases (total ~140 mW) Aluminum cooling shield and stem Piezo, Nano-beacon (LED), compass, tiltmeter FPGA readout 2mm optical gel (ANTARES-type) 6 P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia
The Detection Unit P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia ~ 600 m Optical module 31 x 3” PMTs low-power HV LED & piezo inside FPGA readout White Rabbit DWDM 7 17” Launcher vehicle ‒ rapid deployment ‒ autonomous unfurling ‒ recoverable
DOM prototype P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia April
DOM prototype results P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Multiplicity Rate [Hz] PMT orientation [deg.] atmospheric muons K40 random coincidences + data photon counting directionality atmospheric muons + data (M ≥ 7) shadowing Rate [a.u.]
Detection Unit prototype P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia DOMs with ETEL D783FLA PMTs 1 DOM with Hamamatsu R PMTs Deployed at the KM3NeT-It site at 3500m depth Operational since May 2014
DU prototype integration and deployment P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Integrated at Nikhef (Amsterdam) and CPPM (Marseille) Deployed at 3500 m depth in the site of Capo Passero (Italy) in May 2014
First prototype DU data P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Rate [Hz] Multiplicity number of events t [ s] Time difference between optical modules KM3NeT preliminary
KM3NeT Phase-1 P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Proof of feasibility of network of neutrino detectors Started in January 2014 Funded with 31 million Euro 31 detection units will be deployed in Sites: KM3NeT-It (24 DUs), KM3NeT-Fr (7 DUs)
KM3NeT Phase 1.5 P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Measurement from the Northern Hemisphere of the neutrino signal reported by IceCube Two building blocks of 115 detection units each Cascade analysis – cut & count Online data filter: ≥ 5 coincidences between PMTs in the same optical module, Δ t=10ns Event filter: number of hits ≥ 2000 Atmospheric muon veto: (pseudo) vertex cut Energy cut: total time-over-threshold ≥ 15 μ s MRF/MDP cut: 2D cut based on Boosted Decision Tree & energy estimate
Atmospheric muon data P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia cosmic neutrinosatmospheric muons R 2 [10 3 m 2 ] vertex cut detector volume
Signal / noise P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Boosted Decision Tree – multivariate algorithm, using topological/reconstruction quality related parameters BDT>0.35 – strong rejection of remaining atmospheric muons BDT atmospheric muons atmospheric neutrinos (tracks) atmospheric neutrinos (showers) cosmic neutrinos (tracks) cosmic neutrinos (showers) events / 6 months
Phase 1.5 sensitivity P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia years significance [ ] muon tracks cascades Flux of high energy cosmic neutrino reported by IceCube will be measured already after 1 year phase-1.5 detector operation! 18 signal and 4 background events expected to be detected
KM3NeT Phase-2 P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia RXJ1713 ¶ Vela X § years significance [ ] Vela X (binned analysis) ¶ S.R. Kelner, et al., Phys. Rev. D 74 (2006) § F.L. Villante and F. Vissani, Phys. Rev. D 78 (2008) Neutrino astronomy 6 building blocks of 115 detection units each Galactic sources of cosmic rays (?) RXJ
KM3NeT outlook P. Piattelli, ICHEP14 Valencia Proof of feasibility of network of neutrino detectors Largest HE-neutrino telescope in the Northern Hemisphere Neutrino astronomy Phase-1 31 M€ (committed) Phase 170 M€ Phase 60 M€ For additional details on KM3NeT technology see the poster by T. Chiarusi (#16) For the low energy option (ORCA), not trated in this talk, see the poster by J. Hofenstädt (#168) Measure of the IceCube signal from the Northern Hemisphere Indication at 3 sigma level on galactic sources