Scott Stewart Portfolio Manager April 2016 Concentration, Correlation, Fragility, Volatility
Positioning is extreme
Positioning is extreme – crowdedness of style
Fragility – the impact of herding
Markets are becoming more systematic
This leads to behavioural change
And some of the behaviours are very odd
Source: BarclayHedge Alternative Investment Database Systematic strategies are more prevalent
Which has led to valuation divergence
This can change the character of your investment
Increasing its risk
Liquidity & Vulnerability
Liquidity – depth, volume and volatility
Vulnerability – negative feedback loop
Volatility and Risk Management
Volatility – is it going away?
Source: “Third Generation Asset Allocation”, Brad Jones, Deutsche Bank, 2011 Diversification – 60/40 won’t help you
Source: “Third Generation Asset Allocation”, Brad Jones, Deutsche Bank, Data since 1984 or earliest available Dollar weight is not risk weight
What if I diversify into other asset classes?
Source: Artemis Capital Correlation varies through time
Volatility management should be part of a resilient portfolio Uncorrelated investment is fine but correlation is time-varying Systematic strategies can contribute to crowding/herding This can result in valuation extremes This is occurring when the market displays liquidity and structural issues The goal should be resilient portfolios as opposed to optimal portfolios The next generation should blur the line between asset allocation and risk management Good risk management should look for more certain negative correlation
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