1 Text Categorization  Assigning documents to a fixed set of categories  Applications:  Web pages  Recommending pages  Yahoo-like classification hierarchies.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Text Categorization  Assigning documents to a fixed set of categories  Applications:  Web pages  Recommending pages  Yahoo-like classification hierarchies  Categorizing bookmarks  Newsgroup Messages /News Feeds / Micro-blog Posts  Recommending messages, posts, tweets, etc.  Message filtering  News articles  Personalized news  messages  Routing  Folderizing  Spam filtering

2 Learning for Text Categorization  Text Categorization is an application of classification  Typical Learning Algorithms:  Bayesian (naïve)  Neural network  Relevance Feedback (Rocchio)  Nearest Neighbor  Support Vector Machines (SVM)

3 Similarity Metrics  Nearest neighbor method depends on a similarity (or distance) metric  Simplest for continuous m-dimensional instance space is Euclidean distance  Simplest for m-dimensional binary instance space is Hamming distance (number of feature values that differ)  For text, cosine similarity of TF-IDF weighted vectors is typically most effective

Basic Automatic Text Processing  Parse documents to recognize structure and meta-data  e.g. title, date, other fields, html tags, etc.  Scan for word tokens  lexical analysis to recognize keywords, numbers, special characters, etc.  Stopword removal  common words such as “the”, “and”, “or” which are not semantically meaningful in a document  Stem words  morphological processing to group word variants (e.g., “compute”, “computer”, “computing”, “computes”, … can be represented by a single stem “comput” in the index)  Assign weight to words  using frequency in documents and across documents  Store Index  Stored in a Term-Document Matrix (“inverted index”) which stores each document as a vector of keyword weights 4

5 tf x idf Weights  tf x idf measure:  term frequency (tf)  inverse document frequency (idf) -- a way to deal with the problems of the Zipf distribution  Recall the Zipf distribution  Want to weight terms highly if they are  frequent in relevant documents … BUT  infrequent in the collection as a whole  Goal: assign a tf x idf weight to each term in each document

6 tf x idf

7 Inverse Document Frequency  IDF provides high values for rare words and low values for common words

tf x idf Example 8 Doc 1Doc 2Doc 3Doc 4Doc 5Doc 6 dfidf = log2(N/df) T T T T T T T T Doc 1Doc 2Doc 3Doc 4Doc 5Doc 6 T T T T T T T T The initial Term x Doc matrix (Inverted Index) tf x idf Term x Doc matrix Documents represented as vectors of words

9 Nearest-Neighbor Learning Algorithm  Learning is just storing the representations of the training examples in data set D  Testing instance x:  Compute similarity between x and all examples in D  Assign x the category of the most similar examples in D  Does not explicitly compute a generalization or category prototypes (i.e., no “modeling”)  Also called:  Case-based  Memory-based  Lazy learning

10 K Nearest Neighbor for Text Training: For each each training example  D Compute the corresponding TF-IDF vector, d x, for document x Test instance y: Compute TF-IDF vector d for document y For each  D Let s x = cosSim(d, d x ) Sort examples, x, in D by decreasing value of s x Let N be the first k examples in D. (get most similar neighbors) Return the majority class of examples in N

11 Using Rocchio Method  Rocchio method is typically used for relevance feedback in information retrieval  It can be adapted for text categorization.  Use standard TF/IDF weighted vectors to represent text documents  For each category, compute a prototype vector by summing the vectors of the training documents in the category.  Assign test documents to the category with the closest prototype vector based on cosine similarity.

12 Rocchio Text Categorization Algorithm (Training) Assume the set of categories is {c 1, c 2,…c n } For i from 1 to n let p i = (init. prototype vectors) For each training example  D Let d be the TF/IDF term vector for doc x Let i = j where c j = c(x) (sum all the document vectors in c i to get p i ) Let p i = p i + d

13 Rocchio Text Categorization Algorithm (Test) Given test document x Let d be the TF/IDF term vector for x Let m = –2 (init. maximum cosSim) For i from 1 to n: (compute similarity to prototype vector) Let s = cosSim(d, p i ) if s > m let m = s let r = c i (update most similar class prototype) Return class r

14 Rocchio Properties  Does not guarantee a consistent hypothesis.  Forms a simple generalization of the examples in each class (a prototype).  Prototype vector does not need to be averaged or otherwise normalized for length since cosine similarity is insensitive to vector length.  Classification is based on similarity to class prototypes.