Capitalization & Misplaced Modifiers
Capitalization Capitalize the following items: –Proper Nouns – George W. Bush –Geographic Terms – Asia, Atlantic Ocean, Michigan Avenue –Historical Eras/Events – The Middle Ages, Great Depression –Trade Names – Nike, Microsoft
People’s Titles Capitalize the title if it is attached to the person. –President Obama, Mayor Daley, Principal Cwick Do not capitalize the title if it is not attached to the person –The mayor, the governor, the principal
Misplaced Modifiers A modifier is a word or group of words that describe a subject Running with all my might, Suddenly, Frozen with fear,
Modifiers The modifier needs to be placed right next to what it describes. Running with all his might, Steve lost his watch. Who was running with all his might? Steve
Misplaced Modifier Running with all his might, Steve’s watch fell off. Who was running with all his might? Steve’s watch.
What’s Wrong with this Sentence? St. Paul is the hometown of F. Scott Fitzgerald, a place where many great events have happened.