Grant n° FP
Duration: 3 years Type: Collaborative research project Funding: ◦ Budget: € ◦ Funding: € ◦ Source: 7 th Framework Program - Research for SME Associations 13 partners across Europe Started in July 2010
“Knowledge Assisted Rapid MAnufacturing” To design a KBE system for ALM that can efficiently guide the end user towards the optimized fabrication scenario selection & process planning for ALM (Service Bureau or Novice User). To create an EU of ‘intelligent AM customers’ who understand the capabilities and constraints of different ALM technologies To provide contrasted knowledge about AM machine capabilities and constraints
Allows users to assess the capabilities of SLA, SLS, SLM & EBM Processes & materials (initially) ◦ It provides detailed property data on part made from various materials in different post process states (mechanical, thermal, environmental, economic, etc) ◦ Enabling users to assess specific attributes affecting the Quality, Cost & Delivery of AM parts (surface finish, part resolution, build time & cost) ◦ Enabling users to assess the impact of part build orientation on critical attributes ◦ Provides novel ways to compare and contracts different ALM processes and materials for both novice and expert users alike
A Web base tool kit accessible to anyone with a browser and the appropriate access rights A toolkit based on existing commercial software architecture such as PHP, JAVA & JAVA 3D A toolkit that can interrogate design data on a users local machine, without the need for extensive data uploading A toolkit that uses a web backend database, enabling real-time updates and expansion into the future
WP 1 – KBE Database development Mechanical, thermal, safety, etc. WP 2- Algorithm Development Orientation, cost, support, quality, build time, roughness WP 3 – KBE systems integration Development of Graphical User Interface (GUI) WP 4 – KBE systems implementation Web enablement of algorithms, GUI & KBE database WP 5 – KARMA system testing WP 6 – Dissemination
SME AG (customers & owners) RTD (execution) SME (end-users)
Almost arrived to the end of the 1 st year of project. Full characterization of 6/8 materials and 3/4 technologies already performed. KB Database & wizard implemented and loaded with the corresponding data. Functional algorithms already working and contonuously improving. Started with the implementation of GUI.