Pump-Up What problem has American foreign policy been dealing with in the 21 st century?
A New Century
Today’s Vocabulary Election of 2000 – Contested event in which it shows every vote does count. Patriot Act – Legislation that made it easier to track terrorist but many argued it violated Americans 4 th Amendment rights.
Election of 2000 Democrat- Al Gore – Won 48.4% of popular vote. Republican- George W. Bush of Texas – Won 47.9% of popular vote. No candidate received the needed 270 electoral votes they needed to win. – In Florida, the popular vote was so close that they started to recount votes but this presented trouble b/c some of the ballots were not marked clearly. – B/c each county used different standards, the Supreme Court ruled Bush the winner.
Bush Becomes President Passed a $1.35 trillion tax cut to be phased over the next 10 years. No Child Left Behind holds schools accountable by making students take annual standardized tests. Added prescription drug benefits to Medicare. Created new laws that tightened accounting rules and toughened penalties for dishonest corporate executives.
9/11 The FBI identified the Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda as responsible for the attack. – On September 14, 2001, Congress authorized the use of force to fight whoever had attacked the U.S. Over 3,000 people were killed in the attacks.
A New War Begins Started fighting terrorism by cutting off their funding. The Patriot Act – Permitted secret searches, allowed a nation wide search warrant to be issued, made it easier to wiretap suspects and to track Internet communications and seize voice mail. – Many Americans argued this violated their 4 th Amendment rights. The Department of Homeland Security – Combined all agencies responsible for the public’s safety. Terrorist then used bioterrorism to spread anthrax to gov’t employees.
War in Afghanistan The U.S. began bombing al-Qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan in October In December 2001 the Taliban gov’t collapsed and survivors fled to the mountains of Pakistan. – American troops entered Afghanistan to act as peacekeepers and to rebuild the nation. – Afghanistan held their 1 st democratic election in December Osama bin Laden was killed on May 1, – Americans will withdraw in 2014.
“Axis of Evil” Iraq, Iran, and North Korea had sponsored terrorism and were suspected of developing WMDs. – Iraq believed to be the most dangerous. Congress authorized the use of force against Iraq. The UN set a deadline for Iraq to readmit weapons inspectors, to stop supporting terrorism, and to stop oppressing its people. – Threatened “serious consequences” if Iraq didn’t comply.
War in Iraq Iraq agreed to readmit UN weapons inspectors and denied that they currently had WMDs. – Weapons inspectors found nothing, but the U.S. did not believe Iraq and pressed for war. On March 20, 2003 the US attacked Iraq. – Major combat was over by May 1 st. Saddam Hussein was captured in 2003 and found guilty of ordering mass executions. – He was executed in The U.S. decided that troops couldn’t leave Iraq yet b/c they continued trying to suppress an insurgency, prevent a civil war, and establish a new Iraqi gov’t. – Iraq has its 1 st democratic election in – American troops began withdrawing in 2010.
Election of 2004 Republican- George W. Bush Democrat- John Kerry
Security vs. Liberty Do terrorist have rights? – Have the right to see the evidence against them. – Any evidence obtained by torture would be prohibited. – Did not have the right to file writs of habeas corpus. The National Security Agency began expanding its practice of wiretapping.
A Stormy 2 nd Term Bush tries to privatize social security but fails. Hurricane Katrina – The gov’t did not respond as quickly as they should have to rescue survivors and provide aid.
Election of 2008 Republican- John McCain – Ran on a campaign of experience. Democrat- Barack Obama – Ran on the campaign of change.
Obama’s Presidency Domestic Policy – The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act attempted to put Americans back to work. – The Health Care Act of 2010 allowed for universal health care. – Repealed “Don't Ask, Don't Tell” Foreign Policy – Earthquake in Haiti. – War in Iraq and Afghanistan. – Removing Muammar Gaddafi from Libya. – Killing of Osama bin Laden.
Election of 2012 Republican- Mitt Romney – Ran on a campaign of business experience and promised to fix the economy. Democrat- Barack Obama – Believed that the economy was better than it was 4 years ago and credited with the killing of Osama bin Laden.
Reflection Explain the accomplishments and failures of the 21 st century.