Staying on the wave The gifts of God
Colossians 1:12..., thanking the Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that he has for us.
The things of God, and of God’s Spirit are intended for every member of Christ’s body, not only for an elite few.
God’s Gifts God the Holy Spirit Charismata1 Corinthians 12: 8-10 God the SonOffice Gifts (5 Fold Gifts) Ephesians 4:11 God the Father Motive GiftsRomans 12:6-8
Gifts of the Holy Spirit Word of Wisdom Word of Knowledge The gift of Faith Gifts of Healings Gifts of Miracles Gifts of Prophecy Gifts of Discerning of spirits Gifts of Tongues Gifts of Interpretation of tongues
It is possible It is possible for every Spirit filled believer for every Spirit filled believer (as the Holy Spirit directs) (as the Holy Spirit directs) to operate in each of these to operate in each of these charismatic gifts charismatic gifts at one time or another at one time or another Each one will usually be stronger in one gift
“...wat aan elkeen uitdeel soos Hy wil” (wat en wanneer Hy wil). 1 Kor.12:11 “Earnestly desire and zealously cultivate the greatest and the best gifts.” 1 Kor.12:31
The Gifts of the Son Ephesians 4:11 &12 Some as Apostles Some as Prophets Some as Evangelists Some as Pastors/Shepherds Some as Teachers
The Gifts of the Son Every believer will not necessarily be given one (be one) of the five fold ministry gifts. Yet the Five gifts should be available to develop every believer. These Gifts are people, given to the Body of Christ. To train and edify the believers for their ministry
The Gifts of the Father Romans 12:3-8 1 Peter 4:10 We call it motivational gifts. They characterize your basic motivations. They sit behind who you are, how you think and operate... It is your natural gifting You got if before birth
Ephesians 1:11 In Christ we find out who we are.... He had designs on us for glorious living...
7 Gifts listed Few people are described by only one. Prophecy : eg. John the baptist. Serving: eg. Martha / Dorcas Teaching: eg. Paul Exhortation: eg. Barnabas Giving: eg. Abraham Leadership: eg. Nehemiah Mercy: eg. Good Samarithan