Education and Culture Jean Monnet Actions within the Erasmus+ Programme Ruard Wallis de Vries Jean Monnet Team European Commission, DG Education and Culture.


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Presentation transcript:

Education and Culture Jean Monnet Actions within the Erasmus+ Programme Ruard Wallis de Vries Jean Monnet Team European Commission, DG Education and Culture (EAC) Jean Monnet Actions' Promotion Project (JMAPP) Мінск, 7 December

Education and Culture Presentation structure 2 The policy process – the annual conference Thematic and Promotion seminars, support activities Selection results at a first glance Overview of aims, subject areas and selected projects 2015 History 1989 – current situation 'Thinking About Europe'

Education and Culture A bit of history Background and evolution Dedicated to the memory of Jean Monnet ( ), one of the founding fathers of the European Union. "Jean Monnet programme" marked its 25 years of existence in It is henceforth inserted within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and now referred as "Jean Monnet activities" Jean Monnet Activities

Education and Culture E-book on Jean Monnet: "Thinking About Europe" (2014) Background and evolution Jean Monnet Activities on/library/ebooks/monnet- en/

Education and Culture Jean Monnet conferences, seminars Annual Jean Monnet Conferences 9-10 Nov 2015: A Union of Shared Values – the role of education and civil society" - ) Thematic seminars (June 2015 Tbilisi; January 2016 tbc) JMAPPs (Jean Monnet Actions’ Promotion Projects) – ongoing in Morocco, Lebanon and Belarus 5

Education and Culture Jean Monnet annual conference 2015 Web site with speeches, photos and clips monnet-conference_en.htm monnet-conference_en.htm Role of Jean Monnet Community feeding policy making processes Upcoming Draft Communication on 'combating extremism 6

Education and Culture Jean Monnet Support Actions Support to JM online platform for exchanges between JM Community members Support to 6 designated institutions (Collège d’Europe Bruges/Natolin, EUI Florence, ERA Trier, CIFE Nice, EIPA Maastricht, AED Odense) 7

Education and Culture What are the aims of Jean Monnet Activities? (a)To promote teaching and research on European integration worldwide among specialist academics, learners and citizens, in particular through the creation of Jean Monnet Chairs and other academic activities, as well as by providing aid for other knowledge-building activities at higher education institutions; (b)To promote policy debate and exchanges between the academic world and policy-makers on Union policy priorities; (c)To support the activities of associations active in the field of European integration studies. Jean Monnet Activities

Education and Culture Jean Monnet Classical Subject Areas EU and Comparative Regionalism Studies EU Communication and Information Studies EU Economic Studies EU Historical Studies EU Intercultural Dialogue Studies EU Interdisciplinary Studies EU International Relations and Diplomacy Studies EU Legal Studies EU Political and Administrative Studies Jean Monnet Activities

Education and Culture Less traditional Jean Monnet Subject Areas Other subject areas (i.e. sociology, philosophy, religion, geography, literature, art, sciences, environmental studies, global studies, etc.) may also be associated with this field of study when they include an element of teaching, research or reflection on the EU and contribute, in general, to the Europeanization of the curricula. Comparative studies will only be considered where they relate to the different integration processes throughout the world. Jean Monnet Activities

Education and Culture Selected projects by action in

Education and Culture Selected projects by discipline in

Education and Culture 2015 projects – Programme countries 13

Education and Culture Applicat./Projects 2015 – Neighbouring countries 2. Eastern Partnership 14

Education and Culture Erasmus+ programme guide and 2016 Call for proposals: plus/discover/guide/index_en.htm Jean Monnet activities: Jean Monnet activities under Erasmus+ funding: Jean Monnet Directory: 1/ajmrepertoire/distrib.Asp Jean Monnet selection results: Jean Monnet functional mailbox: 15

Education and Culture Thanks for your attention 16