Chapter 8 Called to Discipleship
Quick Check How are a successful life and a meaningful life alike and different?
Quick Check How are a successful life and a meaningful life alike and different? A meaningful life isn ’ t necessarily a successful life, depending on how one defines “ success. ” A successful life can be absent of meaning, or full of meaning. A meaningful life addresses how we respond to God ’ s call, to use our uniqueness in unique ways for the good of others.
Quick Check What does Saint Paul say about gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 – 13?
Quick Check What does Saint Paul say about gifts in 1 Corinthians 12 – 13? Saint Paul says that there are a variety of gifts, but one Spirit. Each of us has unique gifts to share, and the Spirit gives us the gifts, courage, perseverance, hope, and passion to share them with others.
Quick Check What are some suggestions for achieving a meaningful life?
Quick Check What are some suggestions for achieving a meaningful life? To achieve a meaningful life we should enjoy what we do, let God into our lives, remember that who we are is as important as what we do, and establish and adhere to our priorities.
Quick Check What are the four calls highlighted in the Bishops ’ statement Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium?
Quick Check What are the four calls highlighted in the Bishops ’ statement Called and Gifted for the Third Millennium? The four calls are the call to holiness, the call to community, the call to mission and ministry, and the call to adulthood/Christian maturity.
Quick Check How does the meaning of the word joy differ from happiness or gladness?
Quick Check How does the meaning of the word joy differ from happiness or gladness? Joy has the same feeling of well-being as happiness and gladness do, but joy has an extra dimension to it. Often we feel that something is missing or unfinished until joy brings us a deep satisfaction in realizing the meaningful fulfillment of a destiny. It isn ’ t predicated on circumstances in our lives or emotions but stems from the knowledge that we are loved, in the place where we ought to be, and have achieved true personal meaning. Joy is very deep and satisfying.
Quick Check What is beatitude?
Quick Check What is beatitude? Beatitude is the blessing that makes it possible for us to be partakers of the divine nature, for us to enter into the glory of Christ and the joy of the Trinity.
Quick Check What are the Beatitudes?
Quick Check What are the Beatitudes? The Beatitudes, spoken by Jesus, reflect eight characteristics that each disciple is called to form and live by. They are the fulfillment of God ’ s promises that are not meant for an earthly kingdom, but instead lead to the kingdom of heaven. The Beatitudes guide our daily call to know, love, and serve God.
Quick Check What does it mean to be poor in spirit and mournful?
Quick Check What does it mean to be poor in spirit and mournful? To be poor in spirit means to empty ourselves, to set aside our self-concern, so that the Holy Spirit “ has room to breathe. ” Being poor in spirit means trusting in God. To be mournful means to join with another to face life ’ s struggles and difficulties, to be deeply touched by another ’ s pain or our own. To mourn is to be touched and changed, and to allow ourselves to be comforted.
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes have to do with dependence on God?
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes have to do with dependence on God? The Beatitudes present Gospel values to live by. They give us hope of a future of fulfillment in God if we acknowledge our need and dependence upon him.
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes teach us about being meek and thirsting for justice?
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes teach us about being meek and thirsting for justice? They teach us that being meek is to use one ’ s strengths compassionately for the good of others, and to be open to conversion. When we thirst for justice we live a Christian life of action working for justice, and allow the transforming grace of God into our lives so that we ourselves can become agents of transformation.
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes teach us about being merciful and pure in heart?
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes teach us about being merciful and pure in heart? Being merciful means bringing compassion, gentleness, and kindness into our everyday relationships. It is caring for those most overlooked by others. It means being a forgiving person and acting out of kindness. Those who show mercy will receive mercy. When we are pure of heart we focus all of our energy on living, doing, and being Christ-like. We can see things as God sees them and from the core of our being, our gaze is on God and is that of God.
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes teach us about being peacemakers and being persecuted?
Quick Check What do the Beatitudes teach us about being peacemakers and being persecuted? The Beatitudes teach us that peacemaking is active involvement in bringing about reconciliation between those in conflict; personally and in society. They teach us that being persecuted may be encountered by anyone who attempts to alleviate suffering or stand up to injustice.
Quick Check What were the significance of salt and light in everyday life during Jesus ’ time?
Quick Check What were the significance of salt and light in everyday life during Jesus ’ time? In Jesus ’ time, salt was used to season, preserve, and purify food. It was a basic commodity. There was no refrigeration, and meat could spoil quickly unless it was properly salted and cured. In Jesus ’ day, light, as it is now, was a basic element of life. Light serves to illuminate and drive the darkness away. It was often used by Scripture writers to describe God, the Messiah, and the people of Israel. Jesus used it to describe himself.
Quick Check How are salt and light images for discipleship?
Quick Check How are salt and light images for discipleship? As children of God, we are to flavor the world around us with kingdom values, thus helping preserve and protect the people of the world from the negative influences that pull them away from what is right and just. Light is meant to shine, to radiate energy, to be seen, felt, and shared. Our light is what we say and do. We do not hide our discipleship, but live it openly so that others can see who and what we are. Others can see God ’ s image in us and come to have faith themselves.
Quick Check What is evangelization?
Quick Check What is evangelization? Evangelization is bringing the Gospel to the world. It is important because through evangelization efforts, others meet Christ, and hopefully identify how they can turn their lives toward God in the process of conversion. Evangelization can bring people to faith.
Quick Check What are the elements of evangelization?
Quick Check What are the elements of evangelization? The elements of evangelization are proclaiming Christ, preaching Christ, bearing witness to Christ, teaching Christ, and celebrating Christ ’ s sacraments.