Title: Situation Ethics You will be able to describe and explain situation ethics
Situation Ethics “All we need to do is act towards each other in the most loving way” k ForAgainst You will be able to describe and explain situation ethics
Situation Ethics Key words: Situation ethics: the idea Christians should base moral decisions on what is the most loving thing to do. Social Change: the way in which society has changed and is changing and may change in the future You will be able to describe and explain situation ethics
Situation Ethics 1)What would Jesus do? Jesus and the woman caught in Adultery ated Did he follow the law? Did he use Situation ethics? Is conscience relevant? Do you think Jesus did the right thing? You will be able to describe and explain situation ethics
Read page 10 from Religion and Society. Copy the sentences into your book correcting the mistakes. 1. Situation Ethics is a Childs way to make decisions. 2. Joseph Farmer came up with the idea in the 1960’s. 3. This was a time of great social parties. 4. He said hate should be the only principle on which to make moral choices. 5. A good action is one that aims to be most loving, based on Fred’s command – Love each other as I have loved you” 6. You should obey the church or Bible if it is the most difficult thing to do. Read page 11. Subtitle: Why some Christians only use Situation Ethics 7. Some Christians only use situation tv as a guide to moral issues. 8. They do this because Jesus said “ do unto other what you would have them do to Rooney.” 9. They think most people would want to be treated in the most horrible way. 10. At times Jesus seemed to follow situation ethics rather than religious laws. You will be able to describe and explain situation ethics
Situation Ethics Write a conversation between two people who witnessed Jesus and the women accused of adultery. One person must agree with Jesus and the other argue that the law should have been followed. You will be able to describe and explain situation ethics