Industry Advisory Board May 30 th,
09:30AM - 10:00AM: Department Presentation 10:15AM - 2:00PM: Project Presentations Undergraduate 2:00PM - 2:30PM: Survey/feedback 12:00PM - 12:45PM: Lunch 9.00AM – 2.30PM: Poster Presentations Undergraduate, Graduate Online Survey of programs
State of the Union “Strong”
Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) Undergraduate curriculum 2006, 2012 Assessment based Process Input data Output results
Course Objectives Student Learning Outcomes Specific skills on completion of the program ABET jargon
Student Learning Outcomes 1.apply concepts and techniques from computing and mathematics. 2.fluent in at least one programming language and acquaintance with at least three more. 3.strong foundation in the design, analysis, and application of algorithms. 4.fundamental understanding of computer systems. 5.analyze problems and identify their computing requirements., implement, and evaluate large software systems. 7.communicate effectively orally and in writing. 8.knowledge, skills, and attitudes for lifelong self-development. 9.analyze the local and global impact of computing on individuals and society. 10.understand social, professional & ethical issues in computing.
BS Curriculum General Education CS Core 1 year programming sequence Mid level breadth/depth courses Capstone Practical – Senior Design Project Theoretical – Review/Recap CS Electives
CS490 Review of concepts from the core Major Field Test (MFT) Computer Science subject test Multiple choice test External exam conducted by ETS SAT, GRE
Assessment Results MFT CSULA & National comparison Median student score = 62 nd percentile 15% of students score > 90 th percentile MFT score-GPA correlation > 85% Student satisfaction: 4.0/5.0 > 2.8/4.0
CS496ABC – Year long Project Sponsored Group project Faculty supervisor Sponsor Liaison
ABET process Self Study Report Deficiencies Weaknesses Concerns Recommendations
ABET Evaluators: Identified 13 potential shortcomings prior to their visit. (August) Exit evaluators report : 4 potential shortcomings (October) Auditors report : 2 shortcomings (December) Fix: We were given time till February 1 st. Program modification (January) ABET final report – perfect. (April) 0 –
Graduate curriculum
Culminating Experience Project/Thesis Sponsored Comprehensive Exam
Integrated BS/MS program 4+1 or 3+2 year BS and MS : Awarded at the same time
Quarter to Semester conversion : All courses and programs to be redefined. Fall 2016 : Semester campus.
IAB Goals Industry sponsorships Undergraduate & Graduate projects Student internships Industry experts as part-time faculty Outreach Curricular feedback/guidance