AGM 20 August 2009 Report for financial year ended 28 February 2009 Benita van Wyk, Treasurer, SAMEA
Background െ SAMEA’s financial year comes to an end on 28 February annually െ The auditors report, balance sheet and income statement for the period up and ‘til 28 February 2008 is presented here
Auditor’s Report െ Auditor’s report - Qualification ⃘ As in the case of similar organizations it is not customary to implement accounting controls over the collection of cash from fees, sponsorship, donations and other income prior to the initial entry in the accounting records. Accordingly, it was impractical to extend our examination beyond the receipts actually recorded. െ Audit Opinion ⃘ Except for the effect of any adjustments which might have been necessary had it been possible for us to extend our examination of cash collections, it is our opinion that the financial statements are compiled in accordance with General Accepted Accounting Practice and in the manner required by the Companies Act of South Africa. It is further our opinion that the financial statements fairly present, in all material respects, the financial position of the entity at 29 February 2008 and the result of is operation for the year ended.
Balance Sheet as at 28 February 2009 ASSETS FIXED ASSETS6,125 CURRENT ASSETS185,085260,938 Cash at Bank41,595260,938 Accounts Receivable143, ,210260,938 FUNDS AND LIABILITIES Reserve Funds Accumulated funds (loss)174,448260,938 Current Liabilities16,7620 Accounts Payable16,7620 Sponsorships in advance00 191,210260,938
Income Statement for the year ended 28 February Income111,9761,107,179 Membership Fees Received40,85034,840 Sponsorship Income55,632450,000 Conferences and events0593,484 Exhibition Income011,700 Interest Received15,49417,155 Sponsorships 2009: RNE for Website Sponsorships 2008: gtz, Zenex, DBSA, DfID, PSC, Palama for Conference
Income Statement for the year ended 28 February Expenses198,467842,794 Accounting Fees4,5251,575 Audit Fees5,0007,000 Bank Charges1, Computer Expenses00 Conference Expenses43,417634,831 Consulting Fees43,31570,657 Depreciation1,2250 Entertainment & Refreshments1,3911,823 Printing, postage & stationery5,7805,630 Subscriptions01,422 Telephone expenses0858 Traveling Expenses33, Web site expenses33,66910,944 Workshop & Conference Presenters27,00054,999
Income Statement for the year ended 28 February EXCESS INCOME (-LOSS) FOR THE YEAR -86,490264,384 ACCUMULATED LOSS – OPENING BALANCE 260,938-3,466 ACCUMULATED FUNDS – CLOSING BALANCE 174,448260,938
Membership Fee Income
Conference Finances െ Estimated Conference Expenses: 1.4 Million (Approx 4,700 pp) െ Expected Income: 1.55 Million ⃘ Conference Registrations (300 registrants) ⃘ Workshop Registrations ⃘ Financial Sponsorships – Gtz / PSC Zenex Foundation SAS െ Expected Profit:
Notes െ Through the 2007 conference sponsorships (gtz, PSC, DBSA, Zenex Foundation, DfID, SAMDI) SAMEA had an operational budget for 2008 and 2009 which allowed for travel costs for meetings, hosting of events and maintaining of the communication with members. െ In-kind donations from various members, board members, and their organizations have also contributed to the maintenance of SAMEA – Without the venues, hands, and equipment made available by some of our members, SAMEA would not be sustainable ⃘ Tselane Morolo - DBSA ⃘ Candice Morkel - Eastern Cape Premier’s Office ⃘ Jennifer Bisgard - Khulisa Management Services ⃘ Bert Roefs – Dits IT for maintaining our current website, and going above and beyond the call of duty ⃘ Ronette Engela – Presidency ⃘ Refilwe Masikane, Estee Roodt, Nomvuzo Mamabolo
Notes െ For the coming financial year sponsorships will be necessary to ⃘ Establish a Journal of Monitoring and Evaluation ⃘ Host more capacity building workshops / seminars ⃘ Host the 2011 SAMEA Conference ⃘ Extend the number of SAMEA publications ⃘ Contribute to Research on M&E in South Africa െ Available funding & income from memberships will be applied to ⃘ Cover the operational costs like admin support, telephone costs etc. ⃘ Ensure that all portfolios have the resources to deliver on their responsibilities as outlined in the strategic plan െ Longer term fundraising will be required to establish a SAMEA office with own equipment, premises, and more staff which will lead to a more responsive service provided to members