1 Zero Water Industry & Water Efficiencies: Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) for Water Polluting Industries Sandeep Shrivastava Head- Environment & Sustainability Ambuja Cements Limited 08 April, 2016 India Water Week FICCI Session
2 National Water Policy National Water Mission Non-availability of Quantity & Quality of Water for specific Application Improving Water Efficiency Cost Reduction & Resource Generation Sustained growth and Environmental Consideration Statutory requirements Availability of suitable Technologies Reducing Energy Consumption in Water System.
3 Industries discharging effluents having BOD load of 500 kg/day or having toxic/ hazardous chemicals like metals, organic and in-organic compounds Sugar, Distilleries, Pulp & Paper, tanneries, Chemicals, Dyeing & Textiles, Refineries, Food, Dairy and Beverages, Electroplating and others
4 About 501 MLD of industrial effluents is being discharged by 2535 water polluting industries through drains of tributaries into river Ganga MoEF Notified General & Industry Specific Standards for discharge of Environmental Pollutants CPCB requirement for Continuous Effluent Monitoring System
5 For protection of environment from effluent discharges and to conserve water In many cases, Hon,ble Courts/Tribunal are also seeking opinion from regulators about the feasibilities and possibilities of its total implementation
6 Zero Liquid discharge refer to installation of facilities and system which will enable industrial effluents for absolute recycling of permeate and converting solute into residue in solid form ZLD will be recognised and certified based on: water consumption versus waster water reused or recycled Corresponding solids recovered A typical type ZLD system comprises of the following components Pre-treatment Reverse Osmosis Evaporator
7 Most polluting industries such Pharma, Pulp & Paper, Tanneries, Textile & Dyeing, Chemicals, Power Plant etc generate waste water with high salinity/TDS Discharge of saline but treated waste water pollutes ground and surface water High cost of water and statutory regulations are prime drivers for ZLD. Several states in India are water stressed. Competing demands for water from agriculture and domestic use has limited industrial growth. Water Scarcity, water economics, regulatory pressure are the main motivators
8 The scarcity of valuable freshwater resources, concerns about the environmental impact of industrial wastewater discharge and increasing regulatory controls make a compelling case for recycling and reuse. ZLD is the next generation of wastewater recovery methodology for industrial applications, resulting in significant payback (by enabling business to save money, reduce adverse environmental impact and meet legislation for discharge) The technology used to achieve ZLD, depends largely on the type of the business. However, the main aim is always the same - to purify the water up to the level that can be re-used for every application inside the same company.
9 To save costs and reduce the capacity needed, comprehensive water audits are usually performed which also ensure that the system deals only with the most polluting streams. Installing ZLD System is therefore often beneficial for the plant's water management; encouraging close monitoring of water usage, avoiding wastage and promotes recycling by conventional and far less expensive solutions High operating cost can be justified by high recovery of water (>90-95%) and recovering of several by -products More sustainable growth of the industry while meeting most stringent norms. Reduction in water demand from the industry frees up water for agriculture and Domestic demands.
10 ZLD results in generation of hazardous wastes creating disposal challenges- need to think of Zero Waste Disposal (ZWD) Plants Economic viability- cost and availability of water, regulatory pressure are the real driving force High Carbon foot print_ Is this environmentally Sustainable? High Operating cost and financial impact on the industry and its regional/National/Global Competitiveness Technology shortcomings
11 Cement Power Primary metals processing Chemical Pulp & Paper Coal Mining Uranium Mining Petroleum and Petro chemicals Oil Refining Fertilizer Coal Liquefaction Ethenol Production Cogeneration
Cement Plant Rain Water Harvesting for plant Use & GW recharge RO, Multi-Effect Evaporators Close circuit looping of process water for recirculation Use of RO water (cooling, synthetic gypsum production) Air cooled compressors & driers Use of treated wastewater in Plant Cooling, Dust suppression, Fire fighting, & Horticulture Drip & Sprinklers for gardening Process Optimizations for Water Saving: - Raw Grinding - installation of dip tube in lower stage cyclone - improved venting systems to stop water spray in Coal unloading - Roller Press
Captive Power Plant Harvested rain water from mine pit used for TPP RO reject is used for cement mill cooling Air cooled condensers General Water Metering (daily water records) & Data management (for Completeness, Consistency, Accuracy): Logbooks (Pumping Stations, Bore wells, Tanker Water etc) Water Balancing & Arresting of Water leakages/losses Proper O & M of water systems (STP, water meters, float valves, taps, water sprinklers, silting, scaling etc) Appropriate Line/Pipe Configuration & Sizing Water efficient Equipment, Accessories & Fixtures (pumps, VFD, float valves in water tanks)--Modification/Replacement Automation of water pumps to reduce running hours/energy Saving Campaigns for Awareness of employees, workers, & colony residents
Water Efficiency in Gardening & Dust Suppression Drip Irrigation for Horticulture Sprinklers for gardening Water sprinkling on haul roads
Minimizing Evaporation Loss in Summer 25-35% less Evaporation Use of Water Evaporation Retardant to conserve harvested mines water. The chemical used is non-toxic & bio-degradable. MCW, Chandrapur
Water Harvesting in Plant and Colony Check dam (Raj) RWH at Gypsum Shed Runoff recharge Pits (HP) RWH at Colony Nalagarh (HP)
Use of Mining Pits as Rain Water Storage/Harvesting Structures
19 1 st Cement Company to be Assured* “Water Positive” We supported community to build a check dam in Today… 4.03 times “Water Positive” * By independent third party for 2011 WI * WI WI WI * Improving Water Index (WI)
Training & Awareness Campaigns Housewives Maid servants Canteens Water Workshop for Champions
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