Intro to Electricity Electricity Definition: Circuit Definition: Three things for a circuit to work:
Symbol Library Find a picture and symbol of each component on google images and paste next to the correct term. If you cannot find the symbol, draw it. 9V Battery Resistor LED Switch Variable 50K Capacitor PictureSymbol
Experiment #1 Schematic Draw the schematic from Experiment #1 below using the correct symbols. You may use the symbols from slide 2. Complete the checklist to the side after drawing the schematic. Check off all that apply to your circuit with a Lightning Bolt. Schematic Checklist Power source included Path makes a circuit when switch is closed. Load included
The Breadboard Place the Two Red Lines indicating how the breadboard conductors run behind the surface. Describe in complete sentences how the breadboard on laid out below. How is the Breadboard laid out?
Complete Experiment #1: The Light Bulb Parts: How does the circuit work?: What happened when you reduced the resistance in the circuit from 10k to 1k? This circuit could be used for what specific situation What parts can be removed and the circuit still work?
Define Ohm’s Law: Resistance: Draw a sample resistor and how the color bands represent specific values. Show what the value is of each color bar. Use the rectangle tool with a colored fill to draw the resistor.
Multimeter Measure the value of the following in the correct units of measurement. Identify The “Test Result”, “Test”, and “meter setting” Test ResultTestMeter Setting 9V battery- 1K resistor- 3.3K resistor- 10K resistor- Variable 50K- three different positions Test the following and record what happened Wire Battery strap LED Switch
Resistors in Series Define Series Resistors: Formula for calculating resistance in series(use R1): Write out the math used to calculate the resistance of Experiment #3 Resistors in Parallel Define parallel Resistors: Formula for calculating resistance in parallel: Write out the math used to calculate the resistance of Experiment #4
Capacitors Define: Capacitors: A/C: D/C: Capacitance is measured in ______________. Formula for calculating capacitance in series(use C1): Formula for calculating capacitance in parallel:
Electricity Definitions Define Electricity: Electrons: Short Circuit: Current: Battery: Voltage:
Electricity Definitions Continuity: Resistance: Amperage: Wattage: Polarity: