22 October 2008 With Euroluna to the moon on board Romit European Lunar Exploration Association and Euroluna Ltd.
22 October 2008 Agenda for meeting Welcome 2. Introduction to the GLXP competition 3. Presentation of the Euroluna project 4. Presentation of Team members 5. Questions and Comments 6. Discussion 7. Close
22 October 2008 Euroluna European Lunar Exploration Association, registered in Denmark. Euroluna AG, registered in Switzerland Volunteer based, shoe-string budget
22 October 2008 Team name: Euroluna President: Palle Haastrup Craft Name: ROMIT Main web site: Euroluna News at Blog: news.euroluna.dk
22 October 2008 Collaborators Clyde Space Inc. Langtved Data Micro Aerospace Solutions, Inc Xx Preliminary contacts with: Jamesburg disc
22 October 2008 Key team members Palle: Team leader Tor: Software Soeren: Mechanical design Sten: Trajectory Signe: Press Erik: Software operator Mogens: Embedded software xxxxxx
22 October 2008
Mission Put a remote operated vehicle on the moon Participate in the GLXP challenge
22 October 2008 Google Lunar X prize 20 million $ 1 st prize 5 million $ 2 nd prize 5 x 1 million $ prize
22 October 2008 To win Be the first team Private funding Get to the moon Drive/move 500 m Send back “video”
22 October 2008 GLXP mission requirements RequirementEuroluna plan Unspecified payload 10 MB transmitted to craftMinimum 64 MB memory Roam 500mDrive, 1 cm/s Colour camera with pan tilt and zoom capabilities, minimum resolution 0,3 milliradians per pixel Multiple pinhole cameras with digital zoom, resolution of 3000*3000 pixels Videos
22 October 2008 Euroluna technical solution One integrated craft Small rover Bi prob rocket motor Solar powered Minimum design of space component.
22 October 2008 Key mission parameters Departure from LEO (800 km) Trajectory: Weak Stability Boundary Design: no redundancy Time planning: launch opportunity end 2009
22 October 2008 Thermal Analysis Design temperature in space: ° C Design temperature on the moon: ° C This leads to an acceptable α/ε of between 0.65 and 0.88 The outer coating: shade of grey and heat conducting
22 October 2008 Other specs HAL specs (linux) Connections: USB Operation (out of rocket, attitude control, burn 3100 m/s, wait 4 month, turn around, break, land..) Link budget: large disc needed.
22 October 2008 Mechanical and vibration analysis Mechanical issues on connection between the two tanks. Vibration analysis not made yet, but assumed to be no serious problem…
22 October 2008 Link budget
22 October 2008
Solar cell navigation (!) By measuring the solar input to the 6 solar cells, we get a rough direction/orientation of the spacecraft. Power measurement can handle this ?
22 October 2008
SystemConsumption/Production in Watt Motors10 W for normal operation, 5 w/motor for exceptions Camera3 W Motor for turning camera1 W Computer1.5 W Radio Transmitter3 W Production with 3 layer solar cells, max 17 W Power consumption
22 October 2008
Trajectory design Weak Stability boundary route Advantages: all launches can be used Disadvantage: time to moon, precision
22 October 2008
Mission plan outline
22 October 2008 Mission plan TimeAction 0Ejection from storage bay, Health check, status of all systems. Transmit to ground control Use GPS, navigation cameras to determine position Calculate orbit, using position data Calculate time to burn (T1). Change attitude for 1 st burn, initiate rotation about longitudinal axis
22 October 2008 TimeAction T1First burn, constant GPS position measured for monitoring Position determined from GPS, Earth-Moon- Sun images. Course compliance monitored for possible corrections Calculate time till arrival in hyperbolic trajectory, T2 Determine whether there is fuel enough for orbiting the Moon or if landing has to be immediate.
22 October 2008 TimeAction T2Arrival in Moon Hyperbolic trajectory. Decision is carried out; attitude corrected and thruster fired If we obtain a circular orbit, Newtonian height and velocity are calculated and correlated with crater images. Results are transmitted to ground control Calculate optimal landing place and time (T3) T3Initiate landing sequence Send confirmation of successful landing
22 October 2008 Moon operation mission plan Given by GLXP requirements Turn craft if upside down, drive 500 m Long term survival prize for restart after lunar night. Insulate components, other options ?
22 October 2008 Discussion Main conceptual design frozen Mechanical design still evolving Offer for launch end of We need to go commercial off the shelf, rather than custom designed.