NSD Update James Symons 9/14/09
88-Inch Cyclotron / Accelerator Based Nuclear Science News Element 114 Confirmation Fixed Vacuum Leak in “D” - July 2009 $1.88m ARRA Funding Move to different RF Tube Intensity Upgrade with new Injection System Signature of Extension of MOA through 2015 Imminent GRETINA Installation has started in Cave 4C Capital equipment ($900k) DOE and MSU signed cooperative agreement to build FRIB (completion around 2017/18) Two meetings: Rare Isotope Summer School, JUSEIPEN
Historic Repair of 88-Inch Cyclotron’s Suspended Two-Ton Cover Plate By Jim Morel 7/31/09
88-Inch Cyclotron / Accelerator Based Nuclear Science News Element 114 Confirmation Fixed Vacuum Leak in “D” - July 2009 $1.88m ARRA Funding Move to different RF Tube Intensity Upgrade with new Injection System Signature of Extension of MOA through 2015 Imminent GRETINA Installation has started in Cave 4C Capital equipment ($900k) DOE and MSU signed cooperative agreement to build FRIB (completion around 2017/18) Two meetings: Rare Isotope Summer School, JUSEIPEN
August 10-11, 2009 NSCL User Workshop Started at the 88” Cyclotron System Assembly Support structure in Cave 4C
88-Inch Cyclotron / Accelerator Based Nuclear Science News Element 114 Confirmation Fixed Vacuum Leak in “D” - July 2009 $1.88m ARRA Funding Move to different RF Tube Intensity Upgrade with new Injection System Signature of Extension of MOA through 2015 Imminent GRETINA Installation has started in Cave 4C Capital equipment ($900k) DOE and MSU signed cooperative agreement to build FRIB (completion around 2017/18) Two meetings: Rare Isotope Summer School, JUSEIPEN
Challenges Short term Get VENUS Running Prepare for GRETINA RUN in 2011 Reinvigorate Trapping Program Medium term “Heavy Element Upgrade” Injection AIP Project BGS Focal plane: gas stopper Detector Upgrades Long Term Replacement of the 88
Small Digression Sometimes you get what you ask for, although it may take a little longer than expected; 2001 NSAC Long range plan laid out a broad vision for the field: important questions, big plans 2001 RIA$1BN2012 Jlab 12GeV Upgrade$160M2008 DUSEL$130M2009 RHIC II$100M 2010 (eRHIC)circa 2015
Small Digression Sometimes you get what you ask for, although it may take a little longer than expected; 2001 NSAC Long range plan laid out a broad vision for the field: important questions, big plans FRIB$1BN2012$550M2018 Jlab 12GeV Upgrade$160M2008$350M 2014 DUSEL$130M2009>$1B2017 RHIC II$100M 2010$80M 2014 (eRHIC)circa 2015After 2020
Drivers for Accelerator-based LENP program in next 8 years FRIB Construction FRIB Instrumentation Isotope Production Program
Neutrinos, etc. DUSEL Progress Project Office on Campus NSF S4 Awards DIANA Majorana CUORE Prototype Crystals look great CD2/3 imminent KamLAND Purification for Solar Neutrino Phase going well DUSEL Science Report
Solving the Solar Neutrino Problem SNO ~1 kton D 2 O water Cherenkov 6 kmwe overburden KamLAND ~1 kton mineral oil scintillation 3 kmwe overburden
Solar Physics with Neutrinos
Challenges Short Term Data taking for Kamland Solar Phase “CD-1” for Majorana “Demonstrator Project” Start Construction Phase of CUORE Medium Term CUORE Technical design of DIANA Demonstrator at Sanford Lab Long Term DUSEL Experiments
Another Digression If DUSEL goes ahead, it will be focus of activity for US groups: Long baseline neutrino experiments Dark Matter Searches Neutrinoless double-beta decay Nuclear Astrophysics ...
Nuclear Theory News Spin Workshop New Arrival - Wick Haxton, Joint Appointment with UCB Submitted materials for DOE Program Review Submitted two topical center proposals: Quantitative Jet and Electromagnetic Tomography (JET) of Extreme Phases of Matter in Heavy-ion Collisions, XN Wang, B Mueller, PIs Nuclear Physics and Nuclear Astrophysics through high performance computing W. Haxton, G. Fuller PIs
Challenges Short Term Catching their breath Medium Term Topical Center(s) Long Term Computational End Station
RNC News Long polarized proton run completed, including first data at 500Gev DOE/BNL proceeding with Heavy Flavor Tracker Four calorimeter modules installed in ALICE Interviews for open positions
RNC News Long polarized proton run completed at RHIC, including first data at 500Gev DOE/BNL proceeding with Heavy Flavor Tracker CD1 Review in November Four calorimeter modules installed in ALICE 4/11 of Calorimeter for first running Scientific case for additional modules Interviews for open positions
Challenges Short term ALICE Computing at PDSF and LLNL New Hires RHIC Low Energy Scan Medium Term Physics with HFT, ALICE Long Term EIC, or…
Challenges Short term ALICE Computing at PDSF and LLNL New Hires RHIC Low Energy Scan Medium Term Physics with HFT, ALICE Long Term EIC, or…
Digression Directors Review Report is on its way Division’s Program Outstanding Observation Spread rather thin Recommendations New Chemistry faculty New Staff in Low Energy