Understand residents’ rights, advocacy, and grievance procedures. Unit A Nurse Aide Workplace Fundamentals Essential Standard 1.00 Understand the range of function, legal and ethical responsibilities of the nurse aide within the healthcare system. Indicator 1.03 Understand residents’ rights, advocacy, and grievance procedures Nursing Fundamentals
Residents’ Rights Nursing Fundamentals
Nursing Fundamentals Basic Human Rights – Protected by Constitution – Laws clarify these rights: Right to be treated with respect Right to be treated with respect Right to live in dignity Right to live in dignity Right to pursue a meaningful life Right to pursue a meaningful life Right to be free of fear Right to be free of fear 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Basic Human Rights Behaviors that infringe on human rights: addressing residents as children addressing residents as children using demeaning nicknames for residents using demeaning nicknames for residents leaving door open during bath leaving door open during bath threatening a resident with harm threatening a resident with harm 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Ethical and legal basis Ethical and legal basis States have adopted or codified these rights into law States have adopted or codified these rights into law Posted in facility Posted in facility Distributed on admission in many facilities Distributed on admission in many facilities OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 1.Be treated with consideration, respect, and full recognition of personal dignity. OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 2.receive care, treatment, and services which are adequate and in compliance with rules OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 3.receive a statement of services and charges OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 4.have on file the attending physician’s proposed schedule of medical treatment. OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 5.privacy OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 6.Be free from mental and physical abuse, and free from restraint (except in an emergency) OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 7.receive reasonable response to all requests OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 8.associate and communicate privately OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 9.manage financial affairs OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 10.private visits from spouse OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 11.privacy in the resident room. Personal items should not be searched. OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 12.present grievances and recommend changes OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right NOT to: 13.perform services for the facility OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 14.retain, store, and use personal clothing and possessions OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right NOT to: 15.be randomly discharged or transferred from the facility OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Residents have the right to: 16.be notified if the facility is given a provisional license OBRA 1987 Residents’ Bill of Rights 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Address as Mr., Mrs., or Miss unless asked to use a specific name Address as Mr., Mrs., or Miss unless asked to use a specific name Never withhold social responsiveness Never withhold social responsiveness Never ignore residents Never ignore residents Make eye contact Make eye contact 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights – Make eye contact – Allow to complete sentences prior to leaving room – Don’t shut or slam door to quiet resident – Never threaten or intentionally hurt 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Encourage socialization (meal-time) Encourage socialization (meal-time) Assist to activities/meetings/church Assist to activities/meetings/church Participate in planned activities Participate in planned activities Help with phone calls, cards, mail Help with phone calls, cards, mail 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Explain care you plan to give Explain care you plan to give Observe safety precautions Observe safety precautions Obtain proper consent after identifying resident Obtain proper consent after identifying resident 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Treat all residents equally Treat all residents equally Promote positive attitudes Promote positive attitudes Report errors to supervisor immediately Report errors to supervisor immediately 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Handle personal items carefully Handle personal items carefully Add new items to list of resident’s belongings Add new items to list of resident’s belongings Mark all items with resident’s name Mark all items with resident’s name 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Sit when feeding a resident Sit when feeding a resident Offer a clothing protector; do NOT automatically place clothing protector on the resident prior to eating Offer a clothing protector; do NOT automatically place clothing protector on the resident prior to eating Give resident centered, not task centered care Give resident centered, not task centered care 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Address resident in a dignified way Address resident in a dignified way Listen to what resident has to say Listen to what resident has to say Converse with resident in an adult manner Converse with resident in an adult manner Respect resident’s privacy Respect resident’s privacy 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Behaviors That Uphold Residents’ Rights Adult residents must be treated as adults. Give age appropriate care. Adult residents must be treated as adults. Give age appropriate care. Age-appropriate considerations: Age-appropriate considerations: – Style of dress – Hair style and grooming – Recreational activities – Social activities 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Age Appropriate Care Guidelines Don’t ignore or humor resident Don’t ignore or humor resident Explain what care you are going to give Explain what care you are going to give Promote resident independence Promote resident independence Treat resident as you would want to be treated Treat resident as you would want to be treated 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Age Appropriate Care Guidelines Encourage resident to make choices: select clothing to wear select clothing to wear select books to read select books to read select television programs to watch select television programs to watch 1.03
Nursing Fundamentals Age Appropriate Care Guidelines Encourage resident to make choices: select food and nourishments select food and nourishments select activities of interest select activities of interest select friends select friends 1.03