Awareness,promote prevention, care programme in occupational safety and HIV/Aids ANDHRA PRADESH INTUC Presentedby Usha Rani.


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Presentation transcript:

Awareness,promote prevention, care programme in occupational safety and HIV/Aids ANDHRA PRADESH INTUC Presentedby Usha Rani

Time Frame One Year

TARGET GROUP WORKERS UNDER NATIONAL RURAL EMPLOYMENT GUARANTEE ACT India Employment provided to HHS :5.49 [Crore] person days [in Crore] Total: SCs:78.76 [30.63%] and STs:53.62 [20.85%] Women: [47.73%] and Others: [48.52%] Andra Pradesh Employment provided to households: Lakhs Persondays [in Lakh]: Total: SCs: [24.32%] and STs: [16.02%] Women : [57.05%] and Others: [59.66%] SELF HELP GROUPS Total 4.5 million SHG in India.AP total population is 75Million.Total SHG in AP 1.47 million total women under SHG are 17.1million.

Strategic Partners Trade Unions Government Self Help Group Women NGO Workers HIV Effected Workers Private Partners

BACK GROUND&JUSTIFICATION In India, the total employment in both organized and unorganized sector in the country was of the order of 39.7 Crore i.e. around 2.8 Crore in the organized sector and the balance 36.9 Crore (about 93%) in the unorganized sector. Out of 36.9 Crore workers in the unorganized sector, there are 23.7Crore workers employed in agricultural sector, about 1.7 Crore in construction work, 4.1 Crore in manufacturing, 3.7 Crore in trade and 3.7 Crore in transport, communication and services. As far as India concern 1/3 of labour is women labour. nearly 5.49, 4.10 crore people belonging MGNREGA and SHG respectively and scattered in all sectors

MNGERA & SHG wORKERS SHG are the group of women who have come together to grow their savings and enable women to have access to bank credits.SHG have also become the community platforms. 38% of SHG members work as casual labourers; though 29% work in own agriculture, and 17% are engaged in a non-farm enterprise. Schooling levels of SHG members are very low: 74% had no schooling, 11% had some adult education to become ‘neo-literate’, 15% had some schooling (mainly at primary level).. MNGERA to provide for the enhancement of livelihood security of the households is rural areas of the providing at least one hundred days of guaranteed wage in employment in every financial year to every household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work manual work at the statutory minimum wage of 120 (US$2.68) per day in 2009 prices. MNREG Act was notified on September 7, 2005, Implemented by the Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India.This Act provides for accidental security of Rs 75,000 incase of death and 35,000 incase of partial disability.This Act provides for workplace facilities to Workers

HIV/AIDS & India An estimated 2.4 million people living with HIV/AIDS at the end of Adult HIV prevalence 0.31% (male 60.7, female 39%); 83% infections from the age group. 9.2% prevalence in IDU, 7.41% in MSM 3.61% in Migrants, 2.51% in truckers and 4.9% in FSW, 2.5% among STD clinic attendees and 0.49% among ANC attendees. Priority to 156 category A districts (122 in six high prevalence states; AP is one among them. Around 50% of the cases are not traeted coz they are not considered serious and 38% are not treated because of financial limitations. Andhra pradesh is also reported to be having more no of cases of stigma and discrimination against vulnerable children in schools.  Nearly 83% infections reported from the most productive age group of years  Epidemic is spreading from urban to rural areas  India has a National policy on HIV/AIDS.All the central trade unions including INTUC has given their commitment.  INTUC has done developed HIV policy basing on the ILO Recommendations no.200.We are also doing awareness programmes on HIV

In India it is estimated that people die per year due to Accidents at work place. Poor implementation of OSH in MNREGA work places. The existing social security schemes are not sufficient to provide security to worker and their families. INTUC has organised many training and Awareness camps for OSH. INTUC has supported the ILO convention no.155 and continuosly campaigning and lobbying for Government to ratify. Occupational Safety and Health

INTUC Kerala has organised many protest rallies and also representations are submited to government to increase the no. of days and minimum wages and to provide social security to MNREGA workers. INTUC is working with AMBEDKAR Institute of Labour Stadies on SHG. Since 93% of workers are in Informal economy and these workers have no social security and OSH is hardly prevelant in this sector there is a need for trade unions to work towards the informal sector and bring all informal workers into trade union movement to protect their rights. Occupational Safety and Health

Objective (short term) To provide training on HIV/AIDS,OSH. Create Awareness of HIV,OSH,campaign for the reduction of stigma and discrimination at the work place. To gather information and data related to no and nature of accident and also the implementation status of OSH at work place. To provide the facilities to motivate them to know their status on HIV.

Propose to the Government to develop/review and revise the existing work place policies on OSH and HIV for MNREGA and SHG workers. Propose to government to increase the social security to workers and their families effected by HIV and introduction of work place policy for MNREGA Workers and SHG Objective (Long term)

Training. Advocacy with government, Hospitals and SHG leaders etc Preparation of proposed work plan. Preparation of schedule of activities for the proposed work plan Preparation of proposed budget for the work plan Propose the qualification and criteria req for trainers at state, district and Mandal level. organising state level trade union meeting. organise a meting of strategic partners with trade union. Formulation of monitoring and evaluation committee. Identification of resource persons at state and district level Identification of trainers at district and Mandal level. Preparation of Training Material. Preparation of printing material for the training. Identification of training venues at district and mandal level. Activities

Training. Preparation of invitations to trainers and resource persons and trade union leaders. State level Training camp(Divided into two groups)-ONE DAY participants. MNREGA,SHG leaders at district level,r esource persons, union leaders from district. District level Training Camp participants- 5 Identified people from each mandal(Two women) Mandal level training camp participants-Two identified people from each panchayat(One Women), Field officers of each panchayat Training For SHG Women for counseling at district level- participants- family counseling SHG leaders Evaluation Report. Meeting of Strategic partners and union leaders. Activities

Awareness camps at panchayat level.  Co-ordination meting with SHG district, mandal, Panchayat leaders and MNREGA Field officers at District and Mandal Level  Formulation of Awareness Committee  Preparation of schedule of activities  Preparation of short video films  Preparation of script  identification of Artist or children for short films and cultural programmes.  Training of children for the cultural activities  Tie up with sports Association and private partners for run on AIDS Awareness at District/state level.  Tie up with Hospitals and laboratories and NGO for free HIV testing and also distribution of medicines.  preparation of printing material related to awareness programme and for the check list form on OSH at MNREGA work site  Feed Back Form for SHG women on OSH.  Identification of venues for free Medical camp. Activities

collection of data on OSH and SHG.  Identification of MNREGA and SHG workers at every panchayat.  Distribution of Check list to Panchaytat level trainers.  organise a panchayat level meting of targeted group.  Filling of Check list  Submission of list to evolution and monitoring committee.  Report.  Meting of union and strategic partners.  Workshop for family Members and children of HIV effected workers by SHG counseling trainers Activities