Center for Bioinformatics and Genomic Systems Engineering Bioinformatics, Computational and Systems Biology Research in Life Science and Agriculture.
Aniruddha Datta Professor ECE Director CBGSE Research Focus Areas: Genomic Signal Processing and Control Systems Bio Research Focus: 1. Cancer Therapy Design using Pathway Logic 2. Exploiting Connections between Cancer and Metabolism 3. Heterogeneity of Cancer Tissue
Charles Johnson Director- Texas AgriLife Genomics and Bioinformatics Executive Director – Center Bioinformatics & Genomic Systems Engineering Genomic Technology Development Next Generation Sequencing Genomics Bioinformatics and Statistics Experimental Design
Krishna Narayanan Professor Associate Director CBGSE Director of Graduate Studies Electrical & Computer Engineering Research projects revolve around understanding the role of structured codes in multi-terminal information theory, joint source and channel coding for wireless communications, design and analysis of codes and decoders for applications in wireless communications, data storage and optical communications, information forwarding in wireless networks, design of message passing algorithms for solving Lagrangian dynamics problems.
Ulisses Braga-Neto Associate Professor Web: Telephone: (979) His research interests include small- sample error estimation, statistical pattern recognition, and genomic signal processing, with applications in the study of cancer and infectious diseases.
Xiaoning Qian Position: Assistant Professor Telephone: Research Interest Bioinformatics: – Analysis and intervention in biological networks; – Functional data analysis on genomic and proteomic datasets. Biomedical image processing and analysis: – Image segmentation and robust boundary finding; – Shape-based similarity retrieval in multimedia databases.
Byung-Jun Yoon Position: Associate Professor Web: Telephone: (979) Genomic Signal Processing (GSP), Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology Probabilistic Graphical Models & Algorithms, and Their Application in Computational Biology, Noncoding RNA (ncRNA) Prediction, RNA Sequence Analysis, Network Biology & Comparative Analysis of Biological Networks
Peng Yu Assistant Professor, ECE, TAMU Web: Statistical HTS data analysis Regulation of gene expression Genomics of complex diseases Metagenomics Structural genomics
Yang Shen Assistant Professor Web: Research interests: Modeling, simulation, and engineering of biomolecules and bimolecular systems. Ph.D., Systems Engineering, Boston University, 2008 B.E., Automation, University of Science and Technology of China, 2002 Computational Molecular Biology, Structural prediction of protein interactions, Drug design, Computational Systems Biology, Systems therapeutics, Synthetic biology, Bioinformatics,. Optimization and learning, Systems and control
Jean-Francois Chamberland- Tremblay Associate Professor: Electrical & Computer Engineering His research interests are in the areas of communication and information theory, decision and control, computer systems and networks, statistical inference, learning, and applied probability.
Tie Liu Associate Professor Electrical & Computer Engineering His primary research interest is in the area of information theory and statistical information processing.
Chao Sima Position: Research Assistant Professor Jianping Hua Position: Research Assistant Professor Tao Hu Position: Research Assistant Professor Research Faculty
Noushin Ghaffari, Ph.D. Bioinformatics Scientist Genomics and Bioinformatics Service Telephone: (979) Head of bioinformatics consulting and training for AgriLife’s Genomics and Bioinformatics Unit. Research interest bioinformatics and method performance evaluation
Marcel Brun, Ph.D. Bioinformatics Analyst Genomics and Bioinformatics Service Head of software development with a research focused on genomics signal processing and machine learning. Formally head of algorithm development at TGen.
Shichen Wang, Ph.D. Bioinformatics Scientist Genomics and Bioinformatics Service (979) Research interests: statistical genetics, genotyping and sequencing related bioinformatics