+ Washington State Mathematics Fellows Andrew Hickman NCESD Math Fellows
+ Agenda 9:00-3:00 Sharing Ideas-Formative Assessment, Fellows Plan Putting the Shifts into practice—Rigor Split session Equip Rubric for reviewing lessons Collaboration by grade band Lessons, Tasks, and Smarter Balanced Assessment Updating your Plan Data Collection for Fellows Work and Regional Coordinator Work LUNCH 12:00-1:00
+ Larger context Advocate and Systematize Leadership of Self Know and Model Leadership of Self Know and Model Leadership of Others Leadership in the Extended Community 1 Co-ordinator 24 Math Fellows 299 Teachers reached
+ Purpose of the Fellows To be a part of and support a system that focuses on math making sense for all students. --Leadership in the Extended Community This requires all of us to be intentional about putting the shifts into practice to reflect the CCSS vision both around the student making sense of the mathematics and demonstrating that understanding. –Leadership of Others and Self The Fellows will use a formative assessment cycle that will support change in practice and experiences students have with the mathematics. –Leadership of Self
+ Plan for this year Meetings centered around: Leadership of Self Learning together and learning of new resources Engaging in a formative assessment cycle Leadership of Others Reflecting on leading adult learners Planning next steps Leadership in the Extended Community Providing feedback to the state-wide system Planning next steps for Fellows in the state
+ Four Attributes of the Formative Assessment Process Page 6 Clarify Intended Learning Elicit Evidence Act on Evidence Interpret Evidence
+ Chalk Talk Protocol
+ Rigor Conceptual Understanding: 3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. Procedural Skill and Fluency: 5.NBT.5 Fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm. Application: 7.NS.3 Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving the four operations with rational numbers. 9
+ With a Partner Create a problem set that shows the progression of the CCSSM over a grade band: K-2 Number and Operations Base Ten 3-5 Number and Operations Fractions 6-8 Ratio and Proportional Reasoning 9-11 Building Functions and Interpreting Functions Note the standard code and determine the aspect of rigor (conceptual understanding, procedural fluency, or application)
+ Self assessment— Leadership of Self Focus Coherence Rigor You completed this when our work together began We are now revisiting to see where you are now Advocate and Systematize Leadership of Self Know and Model Leadership of Self Know and Model
Curriculum Leads Parents Higher Education Community Superintendent Principals You Teachers Strong Partnership Marginal Partnership No Partnership
+ Connections-Topics Building a Relationship with Principals Building a connection with Teachers in Other Buildings Building a connection with District Leadership Table facilitator: Leadership of Others Advocate and Systematize Leadership of Others Leadership in the Extended Community
+ Reflect on the PD you accomplished since our last meeting or that you are planning (attendance data?) Discuss with your group: What did you do? Who was your audience? How did it go? What were your challenges? OR What are you planning on doing? Who will your audience be? What challenges do you see arising? Leadership of Others
+ Lunch 12:00-1:00
+ What questions come to mind?
+ Equip Rubric/ Collaboration Equip Rubric is used to review lessons according to the Publishers Criteria from the authors of the CCSSM
+ Criteria for a Rich Task 1. Is the task interesting to students? 2. Does the task involve meaningful mathematics? 3. Does the task provide an opportunity for students to apply and extend mathematics? 4. Is the task challenging to all students? 5. Does the task support the use of multiple strategies and entry points? 6. Will students’ conversation and collaboration about the task reveal information about students’ mathematics understanding? Adapted from: Common Core Mathematics in a PLC at Work 3-5 Larson,, et al
+ Fellows Feedback As a table group: Talk about what you used from our Fellows meetings this year and record the list. Talk about what you wish to work on next year at our Fellows meetings and record the list.
+ ESD Professional Development Reflection The purpose of our survey is to identify which pieces of the training(s) that we provide best support your needs as an educator. We ask for your name on the survey only to be able to match demographic and performance data to your responses. In no way will the data be used to evaluate you or your work. In fact, your name will be deleted from the record once the data are matched thus ensuring your responses are anonymous. The data collected will help the entire State AESD network adjust and design professional learning that is most meaningful and impactful for you and your students.